Optical Obstacle Course (Pandemic)

Challenge: To build an obstacle course for light that contains five or more optical elements.

Parameters: You will use one or more light sources (sun, light, laser, candle, etc.), following one or more paths through “optical elements” to end up on one or more white paper screens. The nature of the light source(s) must be described, the path of the light must be drawn, the optical elements must be numbered and keyed to the path of light, and the physics occurring at each boundary of each element must be described in terms of the ray, wave, or quantum models of light. All elements must be on your drawing (like a map), and must fit into one picture. The light must be visible on the final paper screen in the overall picture for that path to count. All final paper screens may have close-up pictures as well, to see the details of the phenomena occurring.

Scoring: Your score will depend on the following:

    1. Description of the light source(s)
    2. Number of optical elements, and the proper explanation of what is happening to the light at each element (largest portion of your score).
    3. Variety of phenomena correctly identified.
    4. Correct applications of ray, wave, and quantum model of light to light source(s) and phenomena occurring at elements.
    5. Clear picture of overall setup, with keyed diagram matching and easily followed.

Physics: Waves can transmit and reflect at boundaries. Some media will cause the energy of the light to dissipate or scatter from the intended path. Curved devices may focus (or diverge) the light energy. Refraction and reflection can occur at each boundary. Dispersion can reveal what makes up the light you see. Diffraction can change the path of light. Interference can make light appear to vanish. The behaviour of LEDs, solar cells, and photoresistors is best understood with the quantum model of light.

Extensions: If you get light to do something cool, but cannot explain it, just take a guess anyways, but indicate that it is a guess.

Help/Hints: Try taking your pictures in a darkened room, without flash. Experiment until you get the best image, and use it to make your diagram and key.

Timeline: Due Monday, June 8.