egg drop project

This project will require you to demonstrate the skills and knowledge you have gained in this course. The written portion will be worth 40 marks, while the construction portion will be worth 40 marks.

Your challenge will be to build a container for a large, grade A egg that will protect it from damage even though it will be dropped from a height onto a concrete floor. The container may be built of any material, but you must not purchase anything. It must be made entirely of unwanted material, and ideally should be recyclable or even reusable. The container must have your name and block clearly written on two sides. It must fit in a 30.0 cm cube before the launch and have an eye loop big enough for your finger to go through. The eye loop cannot cause your device to exceed the 30 cm dimension limit. We will be dropping it from that loop. The egg must be able to be placed in the container the moment before the competition, and it must be able to be quickly retrieved for inspection after the drop. You may not use any tape or such on the egg. The maximum height from which your container can be dropped is 6.00 m, and the maximum empty mass cannot exceed 300 grams. We will only drop your container once. The score for your container will be based on the following formula:

Initial height above floor in meters - Mass of your container in grams

6.00 meters 300 grams

If your egg is damaged, we will replace the second term with its square root. Your score will be ranked with all the grade 11 physics students, and your construction portion mark will be based on your rank as follows:

20 + 20 (total students +1 - your rank)

total students

The written portion should be based on your actual container, and how you expect it to perform during the egg drop. The egg will be approximately 60 grams, with a length of about 5.5 cm and width of about 4.3 cm