Post date: Oct 23, 2018 3:12:25 PM
1) Students will sign into their Google Classroom.
- Go to Google Sites - What's your favorite kind of music? (3-5 sentences and include pictures)
2) Sign into MinecraftEDU and collaborate with you colleagues building and designing a map. Voice level ONE!!!
SWBAT design a community on MineCraft Education that will sustain them by collaborating with their teams on the importance of community survivorship.
Due Friday!!!
Students should be able to create:
Basic Home-
-light switches
-living area
-work space
-farm (pigs, chickens, horses, cows)
-any other essential necessities in a home
3) sign into nitrotype.com
-race other students in the class.
By the end of Quarter 2, student should be typing at 25 WPM with a 95% Accuracy.
*ONLY if you are done with all your work:
Nitrotype.com, coolmathgames, JustBuild, Minecraft EDU, or other class assignments.
NO .IO games, No crazygames, No shooting games and NO Roblox. NO Youtube