Post date: Sep 16, 2019 3:52:18 PM
1) Students will sign into their Google Sites.
- Go to Google Sites -
- Click your name and add new page and date.
- Write about: Your favorite place to shop. (3-5 sentences and include pictures)
2) BTEOTW SWBAT create and design their own personal key chain using Google Sketchup.
a) Download the 3D House Block to help you get started
b) When starting SketchUp, make sure to choose "Woodworking-Millimeters"
c) Make sure the circle opening is at least 4mm for key ring to fit.
d) Use google images to search for stencil
e) Email your key chain to Mr. Sombat using your kingscanyonms.com email. Make sure you type your first and last name including period number in the subject and message box.
Log in with Clever
3) sign into nitrotype.com
-race other students in the class.
By the end of Quarter 1, student should be typing at 20 WPM with a 95% Accuracy.
*ONLY if you are done with all your work:
NO .IO games, No crazygames, No shooting games, NO Roblox and NO Youtube