Teaching Resources

* Understanding Science site — GREAT!! This site has a free course on iTunes that guides teachers through the shift to NGSS. Supported by every amazing and reputable science organization out there!!

2016 Science Framework

Activity: Make your own species cards — Thie activity, from the Encyclopedia of Life, has species cards to print up, OR a blank template to make your own cards.

Anatomy and Arcitecture of an NGSS Performance Expectation — This two page colorful document is definitely something to keep handy!

Ask a Biologist Teacher Toolbox — Wonderful resources from Arizona State University’s Ask a Biologist site. Coloring pages of science concepts, and lots of great resources!

A variety of labs to check out

Beetles — Infusing outdoor science programs with research-based approaches and tools to improve science teaching and learning.

Biomagnification lesson from Monterey Bay Aquarium — Presented at CSTA in Palm Springs fall of 2015

Blueprint for Environmental Literacy

California Academy of Sciences Teaching Resources — Lots of great resources here!!

California Costal Voices — Projects for secondary based on the NGSS

California Science Test (CAST) Instructional Video — This video provides a general overview of the pilot California Science Test (CAST) and how it is aligned to the California Next Generation Science Standards (CA NGSS).

CAST administration info page

CDE Foundation

Channel Islands sanctuary lands on lessons — Understanding Ocean Acidification

Climate Change; a Teacher Friendly Guide — This is a free download. The Teacher-Friendly Guide™ to Climate Change is the newest addition to our Teacher-Friendly series. This book includes both the basics of climate change science and perspectives on teaching a subject that has become socially and politically polarized. The focus audience is high school Earth science and environmental science teachers, and it is written with an eye toward the kind of information and graphics that a secondary school teacher might need in the classroom. Print copies are available for purchase, but the download is FREE!!!

CODE.org. Lots of curriculum content

Consortium for Ocean Science NGSS — Consortium for Ocean Science Exploration and Engagement (COSEE) NGSS connections to marine biology topics

Coral Reef Ecology Curriculum

Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Cross cutting concept posters — There are a few versions of Crosscutting Concept posters out there. I just happen to REALLY like this version!! This link takes you to the page explaining the posters, and sharing how you can get your own copy. I, however, have the pdf file attached above for you.

Crosscutting-Concept-Posters-2.0.pdf — These posters are awesome to help our students visualize the Cross Cutting Concepts.

Crown of Thorns Sea Star video — Thoroughly explains the impact of the COTS on the coral ecosystem.

CSET "NEW" NGSS aligned test prep materials

Data Nuggets — Data Nuggets are free classroom activities, co-designed by scientists and teachers, designed to bring contemporary research and authentic data into the classroom.

Digital Chalkboard NGSS — Resources from all of the NGSS Roll-Outs

Driving Question facilitation

Earth Is Blue Videos — Videos

Education & the Environment initiative linked NGSS lessons

Engineer Girl website — This site, sponsored by the National Academy of Engineering, has wonderful resources for young women interested in engineering.

Evolution PBS Resources

Evolution resources PBS

Exploratorium Snacks (by subject) — This amazing collection of activities are awesome to work into your NGSS lessons!

Exploratorium Snacks a Lesson Planning tool

Exploring Bioethics

Exploring Our Fluid Earth curriculum — Complete online curriculum

Exploring our Fluid Earth NGSS — NGSS connections for the Exploring Our Fluid Earth curriculum from Hawaii.edu

First day of school station activity — This is cool!!! I plan on trying it as we begin the 2018 school year. You can ask me how it went!!!

H5P- Create and Share interactive content

HHMI Virtual Labs — The Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) has tons of wonderful Labs, click & Learn activities, animations and more!!

Huge resource for all sorts of trainings!!! — There are hundreds of amazing workshop handouts and lessons here!! This is the workshop resource site for the San Joaquin County Office of Education.

Human Reproduction Video link — This is the video which covers physiology for 7th grade Family Life

Illinois State Teacher Association Story-lines — This group got together to "create coherent story-lines, including embedded three-dimensional assessment pieces that will continue to evolve over time through continuous feedback from pilot teachers. Most of all they're excited to share their work- for teachers, by teachers, for free- with any stakeholders interested in making the fundamental shift towards a three-dimensional classroom. "

Infographic assessment assignment — Kathy Schrock’s guide to using infographics as an assessment. Tons of links for guidance.

InTeGrate curriculum — InTeGrate materials engage students in understanding the earth system as it intertwines with key societal issues. It's all free to use.....and due to the Creative Commons license, you can use any of it as you please.

Interactive Periodic Table — This awesome resource is from the Royal Society of Chemistry. Click each element to read detailed information.

Kid’s Health Human Body Resources — This site has a bunch of super activities to inspire you, or to use directly!

Lesson on he cycling of matter in an ecosystem — This lesson is designed to explore how organisms are connected to ecosystems through the cycling of matter and the flow of energy

Life According to Sam documentary — This site has the trailer and the streaming documentary for the Sam Berns documentary on Progeria

Life According to Sam documentary

Life According to Sam documentary — This site has the trailer and streaming documentary of this film.

Long Beach Marine Aq resources

Marine Activities Resources and Education — MARE at the Lawrence Hall of Science at UC Berkeley

Marine Science; the Dynamic Ocean — The Dynamic Ocean HS curriculum connections to the NGSS

Middle School NGSS in an easy to read 2 page document. — A two page overview of the NGSS dimensions by San Diego Office of Education

Monterey Bay Aquarium's Sea Searcher's Handbook — This resource has fun activities.....hopefully they will inspire some creativity.

Monterey Bay Aquarium Curriculum

Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute

NatGeo Ocean Education Collection

Nat Geo Ocean Education PBL collection

National Marine Sanctuary Media Library

Next Generation Science Assessment — This site offers free projects and performance tasks. I think it looks pretty promising. The assessment tasks are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International license. This license permits you to copy, distribute, and display such content so long as you attribute the Next Generation Science Assessment Project and do not use commercially.

NGSS.org Newsletters — These newsletters have great inspiring articles, and this page is searchable. I highly recommend that you subscribe to these educational nuggets!

NGSS 103 Deepening Understanding of the NGSS — Yami's PowerPoint

NGSS 6th Discipline Specific (RCOE)

NGSS 7th grade Discipline Specific (RCOE)

NGSS 8th grade Discipline Specific (RCOE)

NGSS Biology Teachers Google Drive — This Facebook group is a great place to network with other biology teachers! And this resource is extensive.

NGSS Evidence Statements — "NGSS Evidence Statements provide educators with additional detail on what students should know and be able to do. These Evidence Statements describe a detailed look at the NGSS performance expectations."

NGSS Life Science lesson inspiration

NOAA archived webinars — Archived webinars

NOAA Data in the Classroom — Ocean Acidification, Coral Bleaching, El Niño and other less

NOAA Data in the Classroom lessons — El Niño, Coral bleaching, Ocean Acidification, Sea Level and other lessons

NOAA Infographics — A wonderful assortment of informative infographics!!

NOAA Lesson Plan Library

NOAA Ocean Service — Videos

NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries — Video resources

NOAA Southwest Fisheries education page

NOAA’s NEMO curriculum — A complete course with power points and lots of lesson ideas.

NOVA Learning Labs — THE LABS: Evolutionary Relationships ; Cybersecurity; RNA; Cloud; Energy; Sun

NSTA NGSS Classroom Resources

NSTA NGSS Classroom Resources — Lots of wonderful resources here!! Lessons for all levels!

NSTA presentation: Marine Biology NGSS resources

NSTA’s Wonder of Science site — This site has MANY resources, organized by standard!

Ocean Acidification activities

Ocean Acidification Tutorial

Ocean Animal Fun Fact sheets

Ocean Explorer site

Ocean First Courses $$$$ — Check out their alignment to NGSS for each of their courses

Ocean Literacy site from the NOAA — The framework diagram links to full conceptual flow diagrams for each of the 7 Ocean Literacy principles!! And....there are separate conceptual flows for each grade level!

Ocean Today Every Full Moon Videos: — Videos

Ocean Today Video Resources

Ocean Tracks curriculum and data — Data to use for my kiddos

Ocean Tracks marine mammal data — This article gives an example of how to use the information: http://www.sciencefriday.com/educational-resources/diving-into-the-depths-with-seals/?utm_source=Science+Friday+Teacher+Resources&utm_campaign=5e37a97527-EDU_Apr2017&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_128760002b-5e37a97527-53914365

Octopus escaping a plastic container through a very small opening. — Possible phenomena for mollusks or inverts.

Okeanos Explorer Marine Science activities

Online labs for High School — Calculate your carbon footprint; ocean acidification and more

Open Sci Ed, an open source curriculum — Free to use and modify...lessons for 6-8 which are to be released gradually throughout the 2019-20 school year

PBS Learning Media Marine Science Collection

Phenomena from #Project Phenomena — A searchable database of science phenomena to anchor your lessons

Phenomena galore!!

Port Townsend Marine Science Center — Marine Bioaccumulation the story of Hope The Orca Project Page.....good resource to give to the kiddos:http://ptmsc.org/orcaproject

Project Based Learning — Buck Institute for Education

Project Based Learning "Tubric" Driving question generator tool. — from Buck Institute for Education

Project based learning idea (not great prompt, but the format of the lesson is promising)

Qualities for a good Anchor Phenomena

RCOE Research & Resources

RCOE STEM Training

READING: Facts about Orcas

READING: Marine Chemical Pollution article

READING : POPs, A global issue, a global response

READING: Resident vs Transient Orcas

Resources for Marine Educators — Getting Salty with Cilsick...a Florida Marine Bio teacher

San Diego Office of Education Resources — San Diego has done a great job of pulling together resources.

Science and math simulations — Founded in 2002 by Nobel Laureate Carl Wieman, the PhET Interactive Simulations project at the University of Colorado Boulder creates free interactive math and science simulations. PhET sims are based on extensive education research and engage students through an intuitive, game-like environment where students learn through exploration and discovery.

Seafood fraud overview for students — This brief publication offers an overview and visuals explaining the problem of seafood fraud.

Smarter Balanced Testing portal — Click on the green box at the right to access the Practice and Training Tests.

Smithsonian's Ocean Portal

Squid Guts "squid puppet" and activities — This is from the Dauphin Island ....and includes activities like making a squid puppet out of a toilet paper roll.

STEM Teaching Tools — The STEM Teaching Tools site has tools that can help you teach science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).

STEM Teaching Tools PDF Collection — This is AMAZING!!!!

Temp folder for Family Life Group files

The Kids Should See This — Amazing site with fascinating videos!!!

The Kids Should See This — Super awesome site with amazing videos!!

The Periodic Table of the Elements in Pictures and Words — Cool printable Periodic Tables of various types. Even download flashcards!

The Process of Making NGSS Performance Tasks — This is a presentation that was shared with me at a recent conference.

Tools for Ambitious Science Teaching — Ambitious teaching deliberately aims to support students of all backgrounds to deeply understand science ideas, participate in the activities of the discipline, and solve authentic problems.

Tucker's Conservation Canines video

Tucker and Conservation Canine newsletter — This newsletter has great articles for students to read. And....here is a link to the page explaining the research:https://wsg.washington.edu/research/non-invasive-physiological-monitoring-of-southern-resident-killer-whales/

VIDEO: An Orca named Hope — Introducing the Orca CA189 which stranded in 2002. It was ultimately determined, after a necropsy, that this whale had the highest levels of PCBs and DDT ever found in an orca.

VIDEO: Using Phenomena

Wegener NGSS Lesson Resource page — This is EVERYTHING needed to present the NGSS Rollout #3 Wegener collaborative lesson. SO great!!