Letter of Introduction Sent Home to Parents


Dear Parents,


            My name is Mr. Metropoulos, I am your son’s or daughter’s Social Studies Teacher.  My classroom is located in Room 111.  I would like to say hello and address some possible questions.  We the teachers and administrators at Fern Ridge High School are all excited to start a new school year and I would like to welcome your family to the community.  As a parent you may have some questions or concerns.  I would like to make it clear that all students are expected to come to class prepared everyday with a pen/pencil, binder, and homework.  I would also like to inform you of my open-door policy, which means students, should always feel free to come to me for help in social studies and/or any subject at appropriate times.  I will try to be at school by 7:30AM most mornings, so students can come to me before school for tutoring or homework assistance.  If students need help during the lunch period, I will be more than happy to work with them.   I will make arrangements for after school tutoring for students that notify me at least one day in advance. 

            If you ever want to contact me with any questions or concerns, call (314) 869-4700 ext. 2047.  Also, if you ever want to come in and observe your son’s or daughter’s class, please give me 24 hours notice.  I am more than happy to have you come in and observe or possibly participate in class activities. 

            Again, I just wanted to express my enthusiasm to work with your son or daughter this school year.  I know that Fern Ridge High School is a positive, caring, and student-centered environment, where your child is the priority.  If you ever have any questions, feel free to contact me at (314) 869-4700 Ext. 2047 and I will get back to you as soon as possible.  Please sign this letter at the bottom of the page, and ask your child to return it to me so I know that you received it. 




                                                                                                                Mr. N. Metropoulos

                                                                                                                Social Studies Teacher

                                                                                                                Phone:  (314) 415-4908