
These are some amazing websites to investigate issues in sociology. These websites are also great resources to help us understand the different schools of thought and perspectives of individual and groups interactions.  

American Sociological Association

As the national organization for sociologists, the American Sociological Association, through its Executive Office, is well positioned to provide a unique set of services to its members and to promote the vitality, visibility, and diversity of the discipline. Working at the national and international levels, the Association aims to articulate policy and implement programs likely to have the broadest possible impact for sociology now and in the future. 

Famous Sociologist  

A great resource for background information on famous sociologist from the University of Amsterdam, Netherlands.

A&E Biography Website

This website has video and interesting background information about numerous famous intellutuals.

You can access your textbook at AMerican History Pearson Textbook link:

American History will focus on American history, government, economics, geography and culture.  We will explore everything from the U.S. War on Terrorism to the Civil War.  This class is designed to give students insight and preparation for college level American History courses and optional enrollment to take the AP American History Course and/or Examine for college credits.  The classes are student-centered and will engage learners in interpersonal and intrapersonal skills.  We will do webQuests, debates, Socratic circles, role-playing, and PowerPoints, etc.  Learners will focus on improving and refining their analytical and critical thinking skills by reading through primary and secondary sources in addition to the textbook to holistically scrutinize American history.  As a class we will examine American history to learn from the past and apply what we learn to our own lives and to create a better future.  Finally, the class will focus on affecting and “be[ing] the change in the world you want to see.”-Mohandas Gandhi     


The Holocaust 

This video will synthesize how the Holocaust start immediately after the Nazis took power in 1933 and end with Hitler's attempt to eradicate all the Jewish people in Europe through his Final Solution.

Japanese American Internment and Soldiers of Color_Flipped Video 

This Flip video summarizes the United States government's reaction to the bombing of Pearl Harbor and how President Franklin Roosevelt created Executive Order 9066. We define how Executive Order 9066 ordered the rounding up of Japanese Americans and putting them into concentration or internment camps. Finally, we look at the imperative role that soldiers of color such as the Tuskegee Airman and Navajo Americans played achieving victory for the Allies in World War II.

The Great Migration and Harlem Renaissance Flip Video Part I 

This video explains how the migration of African-Americans from the South to North Cities led to cultural diffusion and the Harlem Renaissance.   The video outlines the causes of the Great Migration and examines some pieces of art from the Harlem Renaissance.

Harlem Renaissance and Great Migration Flip Video Part II 

This video gives insight into how the meeting of profound artists from all over America met in Harlem in 1920s and led a cultural movement.

What is Jazz and how has it uniquely American? 

This video helps define Jazz and its importance in the Roaring 20s and its impact on the world today. 

Artists of the Harlem Renaissance and the Impact of Jazz Flip Video Part III 

In this video, we will explore some famous artists, e.g. Langston Hughes and Countee Cullen, of the Harlem Renaissance and how this movement's idea spread throughout the world.

History of role of Alcohol in America before Prohibition and the passing of the 18th Amendment

How Prohibition broke gender barriers?

Tennessee vs John Scopes Trial Flip Video 

This video examines the famous court cases where the State of Tennessee took John Scopes to court for teaching the Theory of Evolution. He was defended by the famous lawyer, Clarence Darrow, and prosecuted by three time presidential candidate, William Jennings Bryan.

The Women's Suffrage Movement Flip Video Part I

An investigation into the Women's Suffrage Movement and "The Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions."

The Women's Suffrage Movement Flip Video Part II

This video examines the famous trial of The United States V. Susan B. Anthony.

Women's Suffrage and Feminist Movement Flip Video Part III Video

This video discusses the 19th Amendment and Women's Rights Movement focus on individual legal and physical rights. 

Women's suffrage and Movement Flip Video Part IV 

This video analyzes how Betty Friedan's book expose how women really felt they were treated in the 1950s.  Also, it discusses how feminist have unsuccessfully pushed for a equal rights amendment to the Constitution.  This is the final video by Mr. Metropoulos about the women's movements.