American Government

American Government will focus on developing students to be well informed and analytical citizens. We will explore everything from the U.S. Constitution to the Women’s Suffrage and Civil Rights Movement. This class is designed to give students insight and preparation to be lifelong active citizens.  The classes are student-centered and will engage learners in interpersonal and intrapersonal skills. We will do webQuest, debates, role-playing, make movies, and PowerPoints, etc.  As a class we will examine social sciences to apply it to our own lives and create a better future. Finally, the classes will focus on affecting and “be[ing] the change in the world you want to see.”-Mohandas Gandhi      


These are some amazing websites to investigate the history of our world

Stanford University Encyclopedia of Philosophers

This website was created by Stanford University to help people research and understand valid information about profound world philosophers. The website is updated regularly and is a great way to get just the facts about renown philosophers.

Here are links to PDF copies of the notes for current class units.

American Government Class Notes

The Enlightenment Movement Background 

In this video we examine how the philosophical movement of the Enlightenment and its impact on the American and French Revolution. We will discuss how the Enlightenment Movement led to the study of the sciences and social sciences in school and around the world. How we use data, research and evidence to come to some kind of truth about the world. Also, we look at how we test hypothesis and form theories about the world around us. 

John Locke and an examination of the role of government

In this flip video we will analyze how John Locke's theories of natural rights of man, that we are "blank slates", and separation of church and state. We will view John Locke's influences on Thomas Jefferson's writing of the "Declaration of Independence" and on the writing of the United States Constitution.  

Rousseau Social Contract and Liberty 

In this video we look at Rousseau's ideas on social contract theory. Also, define the what liberty is and differs from freedom. Finally, we examine some of the debates about when our individual liberties should be restrict by the government for the betterment of society.

Voltaire Enlightenment Freedom of Speech 

This video examines Voltaire's view on freedom of speech, deism,  and separation of church and state. Also, the video will make connections between Voltaire's philosophical ideas and their influence on America's founding fathers.

Thomas Jefferson Rocks out "It's too Late to Apologize" on the Declaration of Independence 

1st Amendment Flip Video 

This video will break down the main parts of the 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. I will give examples of what the 1st Amendment covers and does not cover. Also, we will raise questions about when the government can restrict freedom of speech and press, separation of church and state, the right to assemble peacefully, and the right to petition the government.

2nd Amendment Flip Video American government 

This video examines how the 2nd Amendment protects people's right to create militias and to bear arms. It explains some of the controversy about what arms actually includes today's and if there is a really need for militias with our present day law enforcement and military protecting us.

3rd, 4th, and 5th Amendments Flip Video 

This flip video defines key terms and gives examples of when the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Amendments should be applied. These amendments are broken into their fundamental parts and explained in detailed.

6th, 7th, and 8th Amendments Flip Video 

We will define the parts of these Constitutional Amendments and give clear examples of how each amendment could be applied. Then we will analyze some of the controversy over the 8th Amendment and speculate on what exactly is cruel or unusual punishment.

9th and 10th Amendments 

We finish learning about the Bill of Rights in this video. We interpret what the Founding Fathers intended for the 9th and 10th Amendments to mean at the end of the Bill of Rights.

Introduction to Dominate American Political Parties Flip Video 

This video introduces students to some of the differences between the two dominate American political parties. We will look at how different regions of the United States vote and define essential political terms.

Understanding the Democratic Party's Ideology Flip Video 

This flip video will clarify the core beliefs of the Democratic Party and the demographics of the members of the Democratic Party. Also, I will give a detailed explanations of crucial government programs that were created by Democratic leadership and are support by their platforms today.

Understanding the Republican Party's Ideology Flip Video 

This flip video will clarify the core beliefs of the Republican Party and the demographics of the members of the Republican Party. Also, I will give a detailed explanations of government programs the Republicans oppose that were created by Democratic leadership and are against their small government and state's rights ethos.

Understanding the Green Party's Ideology Flip Video 

This video highlights the importance of the environment and universal healthcare to the present day Green Party. It goes into how the Green Party is to the the left of the Democratic Party and sometimes a third party contender in American political races. 

Understanding the Libertarian Party' Ideology Flip Video 

This video highlights the importance of the isolationism and Laissez-faire economics to the present day Libertarian Party. It goes into how the Libertarian Party is to the the right of the Republican Party and sometimes a third party contender in American political races.