Homework and Responsibility

*Note: unfinished classwork becomes homework, and ALL work assigned is expected to be completed, to students' best efforts, and turned in.   

In this 21st Century classroom, completing homework practice is practicing learning and demonstrating responsibility. Students are expected to complete and turn in EVERY assignment, both classwork and homework. If a students chooses to not complete, to their best efforts, their classwork or homework assignments, not only will their grades reflect this, but they miss out on their opportunities to practice/reinforce essential California grade level standards, and miss out on opportunities to learn and demonstrate responsibility. Both learning practice and demonstrating responsibility are essential for competent and productive citizens in today's world.    

Since no work is excused, the work students choose to not complete will need to be completed at home, outside of school hours, during their recess, lunch recess, 15 minute after-school work makeup periods, or near the end of the year while learning reward celebrations are underway. This is not punishment. These periods are designed for learning, skill practice, reinforcement, and to aid the student in better developing their responsibility.    

Also, if students make the choice to not complete their work, they will miss out on many fun and engaging rewards, kudos, parties, celebrations, and activities this year. They most likely will be sent to partner classrooms to complete their missed work or complete them in class while others are being rewarded for their diligent work. 

What does "Turned In" mean? "Turned in" means the assignment is complete to the best of abilities, and is turned in when it is due. Both classwork and homework must be completed to a student's best abilities and turned in. If a child is sick and not in school the day an assignment is due, it is still due and needs to be completed and turned in in a timely manner after returning from an absence. Students are responsible for making sure they retrieve their missed work so it can be completed in as timely a manner as possible.