Favorite Hymns

A friend found this information in a Newspaper (The Chattanooga Times Free Press).

It was apparently compiled by the writer, Lisa Denton. Some of these are a hoot.

So with that by way of explanation: Here are favorite hymns of various groups.

DENTISTS: Crown Him with Many Crowns.

METEROLOGISTS: There shall be showers of Blessing

CONTRACTORS: The Church's One Foundation

GOLFERS: There is a green hill far away

POLITICIANS: Standing on the promises

EYE DOCTORS: Open my eyes that I might see

IRS AGENTS: I surrender all

REALTORS: There is a Mansion just over the hilltop

PILOTS: I'll fly away

PARAMEDICS: Revive us again

JUDGES: Almost persuaded

PSYCHIATRISTS: Have a little talk with Jesus

ARCHITECTS: How Firm a foundation

ZOOKEEPERS: All Creatures of our God and King

GARDENERS: Lo, how a rose e'er blooming

LIFEGUARDS: Rescue the perishing

CRIMINALS: Search me O God

BAKERS: When the roll is called up younder

SHOE REPAIRERS: It is well with my soul

TRAVEL AGENTS: Anywhere with Jesus

GEOLOGISTS: Rock of Ages

HEMATOLOGISTS: Are you washed in the Blood

UMPIRES: I need no other argument

LIBRARIANS: Whispering hope
