Library Future
This page contains information from the planning and design process the town underwent from 2207 - 2011.
Library Facility Needs Assessment Committee (LFNAC)
LFNAC has finalized the Shutesbury Library Building Program
Shutesbury's 2011 application to the Massachusetts Public Library Construction Program is available at the Library.
Click here to see LFNAC's 4 years of meeting minutes.
LFNAC Fall 2007 Adult Survey Results
Survey results are included at the end of the Building Program.
Photos of New or Enhanced Local Libraries
Click here to see movie (2MB)
LFNAC serves as a subcommittee of the Library Trustees. Their charge is to examine the facility needs of the MN Spear Memorial Library and assist the Trustees in making decisions regarding the future of the library’s facility.
In May 2007, Shutesbury residents voted to support a Planning and Design grant to examine the current and future facility needs of our library. We were awarded the grant and since then members of the committee have been busy:
· Gathering information from various sources including the Library’s Long Range Plan, the Town of Shutesbury Master Plan and previous library building committee work.
· Visiting other area libraries which have recently undergone expansion including Wendell, Leverett, Sunderland, Pelham, New Salem and Warwick.
· Creating and displaying a slide show of those libraries for Shutesbury residents to view.
· Developing a survey and distributing it at:
ê Celebrate Shutesbury
ê The Friends of the Library Annual Meeting
ê Full Moon Coffee House
ê The Shutebury Flu Clinic
ê The Halloween Party at the Shutebury Elementary
ê The Shutesbury Holiday Craft and Book Sale and
ê Mailed to every household in Shutesbury.
ê Compiling the results of over 200 resident's responses.
A big thanks to everyone who took the time to complete and return their surveys.
· Holding Public Forums - Three forums were held during the Spring of 2008.
Writing The Library Building Program
The Process - Information for Shutesbury Residents
· Gathering public opinion regarding the future of the library through surveys and public forums;
· Conducting a complete inventory the current library collection;
· Measuring the current library's shelf, seating, table, meeting and administrative spaces;
· Determining Shutesbury's 20-year projected population figure (averaging from various sources);
· Projecting the Library's collection and space needs in 20 years;
· LFNAC encourages residents to visit other new libraries in our area, including Leverett, Wendell, New Salem, Sunderland and Pelham and to visit their library and see how they chose to solve their current and future library needs.
· LFNAC encourages residents to share their thoughts and feelings about the future of the Spear Library by attending the monthly LFNAC meetings.
· LFNAC encourages residents to read a copy of the survey results and other information available at
· LFNAC is eager to work with all town boards to meet the library needs of the residents of Shutesbury.