Japanese Preschool

Information about Japanese pre-school

A Japanese pre-school will be held for children aged 4 to 6 who are scheduled to enter a Japanese language school.

The purpose of this class is to enjoy the fun of learning Japanese by having fun playing in a Japanese environment, playing with friends using Japanese, learning Japanese culture, and so on.

Please join us if you are interested in learning Japanese or are considering entering our school.

The following schedule will be announced as follows. If you wish to participate, please contact us at


Please contact us for the schedule.

Target age

4-6 years old  

*4 years old children can participate if parents have to accompany.

Participation fee



United World College Maastricht 2nd floor classroom

 Discusworp 65, 6225 XP Maastricht, The Netherlands

What to bring

Writing instruments, colored pencils, scissors, glue

(If you bring your lunch, you can have lunch in the atrium from 11:30 before class starts.)

How to apply for participation

Please contact us at the following e-mail address.

When you apply, please inform your child's name (Kanji and Hiragana) age (date of birth), current Japanese level (listen, speak, read, write), attendance at lunch time, and other communication items. .



Person in charge

 Geake, Hoshino

We think that it will be a good opportunity not only for children but also for parents to feel the atmosphere of the school and see the children attending the school.

Those who participate in the preschool can also use the library.