About admissions

Q: We aren't resident in the Netherlands, but can we enter?

A: If you live in Germany or Belgium, you can enter our school. There are many children who come to school across national borders.

Q: How much Japanese is necessary for admission?

A: You can understand Japanese a little, but even if it is difficult at first, your Japanese language skills will improve through classes and school life. If you are worried about your Japanese language skills, please contact us.

Q: Can we enroll in the middle of the semester?

A: Transfers are possible during the semester. Please contact us. Click here for details.

Q: Is it possible to do hands-on learning even if the hands-on learning session for new first-year students (November) has ended?

A: You can visit the class at any time, so please contact us.

Q: My child has never been to a Japanese language school.

A: Regardless of your age, you can move to a class according to your child's academic ability based on discussions with parents and teachers. Please consult us.

About school

Q: What kind of students are attending?

A: A variety of children are studying, such as expatriate families with short stays, Japanese families with long stays, and children from international marriage families. There are a variety of schools that attend weekdays, including local schools and international schools. The children enjoy not only class time but also break times and after school activities. Because the common language is Japanese, communication with friends is naturally Japanese.

Q: What kind of school building do you study at?

A: The class is borrowed from UWC Maastricht. The learning environment is very fulfilling.

Q: How is advancement / re-registration determined?

A: It will be decided after discussion between teacher and parents. The teacher in charge will give advice on advancement and year-end completion based on the student's learning progress and the opinions of other teachers.

About recruiting teachers

Q: I would like to work as a teacher, do I need a teacher license?

A: A teacher license is not required. Even those who do not have a teacher's license are welcome to study with children and have the will to improve.

Q: I don't have a work permit in the Netherlands, can I apply?

A: You can apply. If you have a EU country work permit, we can help you get a work visa in the Netherlands.

Q: How should I apply for instructors?

A: If you wish, please contact us by email first. Contact: info@mjsschool.nl

Then submit your resume and part-time registration and come to our school for an interview (it will be on the open Saturday).

At that time, we will explain the business contents and working conditions from the management. Once hiring is decided, the contract will be exchanged and registered.

Before taking the actual class, we will conduct a mock class once as an educational training.

Q: Is transportation fee paid?

A: Transportation expenses will be paid. Actual cost when using public transport. In the case of car commuting *, we will pay according to the distance.

  (* Car commuting is 10km or more and within 150km)

Q: Is there a paid system?

A: There is a paid system (full-time instructors only). It is paid according to the number of working days.

Q: Is there any other system for treatment?

A: There is a maternity leave system (full-time instructors only). It will be in accordance with the Dutch law.


Q: What is the role of parents?

A: In our school, parents are responsible for all work related to school management (director, vice president, accounting, secretary, staff, duty, etc.). Please participate in the management positively for smooth school management.

The supplementary school is the “first classroom” and the home is the “second classroom”. Home study is indispensable to follow Japanese compulsory education courses with a limited number of classes. Parents are requested to provide full support for home study.

Q: Do you lend books?

A: I own about 4000 Japanese books. We have a wide range of books from children's books for children to books for elementary, junior high and high school students (novels, picture books, dictionaries, pictorial books, hobbies, history, geography, literary arts, learning comics, CDs, DVDs, etc.). Every year, new books are added to enhance the books.

 In addition to school students, school books are lent to parents and preschool brothers and sisters.

If you have any other questions, please contact the following contact information.

Contact information
