pi2vga project started

Post date: Jan 27, 2016 2:55:8 AM

I've started a new project, lowest cost VGA output for the Zero. It's based on Gert's wonderful vga666, with the resolution lowered to 16 bits. This frees up the SPI port pins for device interfacing. The device can be built for between $2.50 and $3.50, depending on quantity and salvaged parts.

The write-up is mostly complete. I'll finish it and add pictures when I get my Rev 2 circuit board back from OSH Park in a couple weeks. I already have the Rev 1 board working, and I'm impressed with the video quality. It's more than good enough to use for a digital picture frame.

This project is one of the pieces of a super low-cost computer system. Cheap/free VGA monitors are readily available: not so with HDMI or DVI.