ground zero

Post date: Jan 06, 2016 10:9:7 PM

The announcement of the Pi Zero has shaken things up and caused me to rethink my focus. I've always been an electronics hobbyist, not just a computer hobbyist. And the low cost of the Zero means it's just another electronics component. So I'll be focusing on electronics projects using the Pi, not Pi projects that use electronics. What's the difference, you ask? Not much, really.

My old motto of "it doesn't make sense to add something to the Pi that costs more than the Pi itself" just got a lot more restrictive. So I'm partially abandoning it. The projects are still going to be low cost, but my focus will now be on bringing the wonderful hobby of electronics to more people. Indeed, by using the Zero, the projects will be less expensive than before. And a whole lot of new low-cost projects are possible.

Oh, and I finally managed to order a Zero from Adafruit. Then I watched the stock availability go from ninety to zero in twenty minutes. It was kind of like counting down to the new year!