Army maneuver 


15-29. To face a four-Soldier Color guard to the rear, the command is Colors reverse, MARCH. At the command MARCH, each Soldier simultaneously executes the following movements:


Note. This command may be given while marching, in which case the commands are given when strikes the marching surface.

Figure 15-3. Movement of four-Soldier Color guard to the rear

Note. Left About may be used in lieu of Colors Reverse. The command for this movement is Left about, MARCH. The Color sergeant is the pivot person for the movement. On the command of execution, the Color sergeant marches in place and turns to the left. Other members shorten their step and turn in an arc keeping abreast of each other and maintaining alignment. When the movement has been completed, each person marches in place until the command HALT or Forward, MARCH is given. This movement may be executed from the HALT or while marching.