The Golden Rule of color guard: 

"The U.S. flag is always front right!" 

Remember that is the U.S. flag is in front (right behind the lead rifle) when marching in column, and is always on the far right of all other colors when in line.

The pages of this section detail out service specific drill and ceremonies manuals from respective branches.


Canton - another name for the Union (field of white stars on blue) portion of the National colors

Ferrule, Lower -  the pointed bottom of a guidon pole

Ferrule, Upper - the top end of the guidon pole, typically adored with an Army spade (spear tip)

Finial - the very top ornament portion of a fixed flagpole, typically a ball but sometimes an eagle

Fly End - the portion of a flag not attached to the halyard

Halyard - the line which runs the length of a [fixed] flagpole, upon which the flag or flags are attached to

Lead Rifle - the guard at the front of the detail, or to the National colors' right

Middle Screw Joint - the threaded connection point for the two halves of the guidon pole

National Colors - the Flag of the United States of America

Organizational Colors -  colors other than the National colors; order of precedence is always rear and left of the National colors

Rifle Terminology and Nomenclature, see: the Rifles page

Trail Rifle - the guard t the rear of the detail, or to the far left of the National colors

Truck - the top of a [fixed] flagpole, upon which the finial and halyard pulley are attached

Socket - (or cup) of the color bearer's harness