
This page provides basic background information on the sport of orienteering and the art and science of land navigation. We are proud to say that our cadets have placed first in the last two orienteering challenges we attended.

Basic information on the sport of orienteering: http://web.williams.edu/Biology/Faculty_Staff/hwilliams/Orienteering/o~index.html

Basic information on compass reading and land navigation: http://www.learn-orienteering.org/old/

Wikipedia article for a good overview and links to other sources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orienteering

"How to Use a Compass" video produced by the Silva Company: https://youtu.be/4O8DmkAC2wI (A good overview of basic map and compass techniques.)

Information on upcoming events can be found on our calendar. There are currently no events scheduled.