About Us

    The Naval Reserve Junior Officer Training Corps (NJROTC) program was established by Public Law in 1964 and may be found in Title 10, U.S. Code, Chapter 102. The program is conducted at accredited secondary schools throughout the nation by instructors who are retired Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard officers and enlisted personnel. The NJROTC curriculum emphasizes citizenship and leadership development, our maritime heritage, the significance of sea power, and naval topics such as the fundamentals of naval operations, seamanship, navigation and meteorology. Classroom instruction is augmented throughout the year by community service activities, drill competition, field meets, orientation flights, visits to naval activities, marksmanship training, and various other orientation activities. Uniforms, textbooks, training aids, travel allowance, and a substantial portion of instructors' salaries are provided by the Navy.  Over 625 schools nationwide now host NJROTC units.  The program is not a recruiting effort and students incur no cost or military obligation.


    Middletown High School's unit was established in 1987.  For thirty-five years we have been a proud part of our school and community.  We currently have over 120 students enrolled as cadets representing all demographic portions of school.  Students who participate are known as "Cadets," and, in addition to enrolling in Naval Science and receiving full academic credit, participate in a variety of formal and informal leadership training culminating, for those selected, in increasingly demanding leadership responsibilities within our cadet unit.  Former cadets have gone on to excel in all walks of life including law, law enforcement, medicine, community support and non-profit management, education, business, the trades, and the arts.   


     We have a saying that summarizes our philosophy:  "Success is not luck, it is a well-organized plan."  We feel that our program helps students develop the insight, attention to detail, confidence, and self-discipline required to make good decisions, communicate effectively, plan for success, and then manage the plan.     



Our Current Cadet Leadership 

C/LCDR Raymond Zayas 

Commanding Officer 

C/LT Magali DelaRosa

Executive Officer 

C/SCPO Alice Martinez

Senior Enlisted Advisor