Route 1, Waldoboro, Maine
The Midcoast Sports Hall of Fame will open an Exhibit Hall to display memorabilia and artifacts that celebrate the history and development of sports in midcoast Maine through the years to the present day. A photo gallery honors inductees to the Hall of Fame. Permanent and temporary exhibits will honor those who have made significant contributions to midcoast Maine athletics and the area schools and organizations that these athletes represent.
MSHOF is a 501[c]3 not-for-profit organization; memberships and sponsorships are tax deductible as allowed by law.
Sponsors will be recognized on a permanent plaque in the Hall, at the Induction Banquet in October and on the MSHOF website, with a link to your website.
NAMING OPPORTUNITIES (2016 only) SPONSORSHIPS (renewable annually)
$10,000 - Exhibit Hall (1 available) $5,000 - Special Exhibits (per exhibit)
$ 5,000 - Meeting Room (1 available) $1,000 – All Annual Events May-April
$ 1,000 - Permanent exhibits,video corner (5 available) 2016 OPERATIONS
$ 500 - Grand Opening Weekend (8 available) $ 1,000 - Partner $ 500-Patron
MEMBERSHIPS (May to April)
Levels: $250 Platinum $100 Gold $ 50 Silver $ 25 Bronze
Please circle the sponsorship or membership level on above lists or enter here _________________________.
Name(s), Title ______________________________________ ____ I wish to be anonymous.
Business name ___________________________________Contact:____________________________
Address ____________________________________________________________________________________
Phone ____________________ E-mail _____________________Website: ____________________
Please mail form with payment to: David Ames, Treasurer, 22 Atlantic Highway, Northport, ME 04849