tab and tab_17

This is the main table hosting the inputs and outputs of the models. In the 3MdB_17 database, it is named tab_17. Both tables are very similar, nevertheless some fields are only present in the tab_17, see below.

This table contains all the input parameters of the model and some of the outputs. The fields of the table ”tab” are described in the table below. In addition, the table contains the abundances (in log(X/H)) of the following elements: HYDROGEN , HELIUM , LITHIUM , BERYLLIUM , BORON , CARBON , NITROGEN , OXYGEN , FLUORINE , NEON , SODIUM , MAGNESIUM , ALUMINIUM , SILICON , PHOSPHORUS , SULPHUR , CHLORINE , ARGON , POTASSIUM , CALCIUM , SCANDIUM , TITANIUM , VANADIUM , CHROMIUM , MANGANESE , IRON , COBALT , NICKEL , COPPER , ZINC.

Line intensities are also part of the ”tab” table. All the lines are given in the Table of the page "lines". Notice that for every line, the field name (e. g. ”O__3_500684A”) refers to the volume integral of the line emissivity, while the field name ending with rad (e. g. ”O__3_500684A_rad”) refers to the line emissivity integrated over the radius. The intensities are given in erg/s. The 3MdB table contains 508 rows, the tab_17 version contains 762 rows.

New in 3MdB_17:

  • THp which is the electron temperature integrated over the nebula, weighted by Ne.NH+.
  • logQE and logPhiE, for E at the following energies in eV: 11.26, 35.12, 40.73, 47.45, 77.41, 113.90, 138.12, 151.06, 233.60, 262.10, and 361.00
  • Radio_EGHz, for E at the following frequencies: 2.5, 4.9, 12, and 20. These values are obtained by adding the following bands to the continuum_bands.ini file:
    • R2.5 119917.00m 119700m 120100m
    • R4.9 61686.00m 61400m 61800m
    • R12 24983.00m 24700m 25100m
    • R20 14990.00m 14700m 15100m
    • 4 new entries in the tab_17 table (e.g. "Radio_2.5GHz") for which the values are obtained by calling get_interp_cont(unit='WmHz', x_unit='GHz', x_value=2.5) from pyCloudy. The nebulae are at distance of 1kpc. Notice that the value obtained by this command does NOT take into account any cut in the nebula, the value is the one obtained for the complete model.