This grid is only available in the 3MdB database (Cloudy c13 models).

The grid of photoionization models included in 3MdB under the reference "HII_CHIm" is described in detail in Perez-Montero (2014, mnras 441). It is a small grid of models of HII regions, initially done to determine chemical abundances from Te-method. The ionizing SED is obtained from a PopStar model Molla (2009, mnras 398) of a single instantaneous burst with an age of 1Myr. The grid considers values of log(U) from -1.50 until -4.00 in steps of 0.25 dex. The abundances of metals are following the Oxygen one, where 12+log(O/H) ranges from 7.1 until 9.1 in steps of 0.1 dex. This grid assumes 17 different values of the ratio log(N/O) in the range -2.0 to 0.0 in steps of 0.125 dex. To options for the Carbon abundance have been explored: C/H is assumed to follow O/H, or N/H. The total number of models is then 11 x 21 x 17 x 2 = 7854.

!!! WARNING!!! In the table of the paper, we wrongly published the range of log(N/O) being [0.0, 2.0]. That's actually [-2.0, 0.0]. The models are correctly using this latest value.