This grid is available on 3MdB under ref='CALIFA' and 3MdB_17 under ref='CALIFA' (Cloudy version 17.01) and ref='CALIFA_2' (17.02 and more N/O values).

The models under the "CALIFA'' reference in 3MdB correspond to a grid of models performed using the Starlight spectral base of simple stellar populations (SSPs) comprising four metallicities (Z = 0.2, 0.4, 1, and 1.5 solar metallicity), and 39 ages between t = 10^6 and 1.4 10^10 yr. This base corresponds to the model-set "GM'' as described by Cid-Fernandes (2014, aap 561). It is the base used in the analysis of the CALIFA observations Cid-Fernandes (2013, aap 557).

We compute the ionizing SEDs corresponding to these metallicities and ages by interpolating in the PopStar (Molla, 2009 mnras 398) public grid of models.

In 3MdB and 3MdB_17, under 'CALIFA' reference, the log(U) ranges from -4 to -1.5 in steps of 0.5 dex, the N/O abundance ratio is taking -0.5, 0.0 and 0.5 values, and two morphologies have been used (thick and thin models). The same metallicity is used for the ionizing source and for the ionized gas. Once the photoionization models are computed, we store in 3MdB the results corresponding to 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100% of the mass of the radiation-bounded models. Dust is included following the Remy-Ruyer (2014, aap 563) broken law.

This lead to a grid of 39 x 4 x 11 x 5 x 2 x 5 = 85800 entries in 3MdB (see Table below). More details on the model parameters are available on the 3MdB webpage.

In 3MdB_17, under ref='CALIFA_2' we increase the number of values for N/O: from -1.5 to 0.5 by 0.25 step size, leading to a total of 154,405 models. Some models crashed when running, due to a bug in Cloudy for very low ionization models. This happens for ages where almost no ionizing photons are emitted, after OB stars explode and before HOLMES appear.

Format of the "com" fields:

+----------------+----------+--------------+--------------+-----------+-----------+------+------+------+| com1 | com2 | com3 | com4 | com5 | com6 | com7 | com8 | com9 |+----------------+----------+--------------+--------------+-----------+-----------+------+------+------+| lU_mean = -1.5 | fr = 3.0 | age = 0.0199 | met = 0.0037 | NO = -0.5 | NH = 10.0 | | | |+----------------+----------+--------------+--------------+-----------+-----------+------+------+------+

The com3 value is in 10^9 yr.