This grid is only available in the 3MdB database (Cloudy c13 models).

This is a grid of models associated to the Morisset et al 2016 paper ( It is based on the CALIFA observations.

Each model corresponds to a given observation from the CALIFA DR2+. The ionizing spectra is given by the FIT3D program that obtain a decomposition of the underlying stellar population.

The galaxy and region for which the model is done are given in com1 and com2 resp.

The O/H abundance is determined from O3N2 or from the young stellar population (depending on the com6 field). The field com4 describes "fr" which is a morphological factor (fr = 0.03 : filled sphere, fr = 3.0 : plan parallel).

The field com5 is log10([OII]/Hb)_obs - log10([OII]/Hb)_mod. The models used in the paper correspond to abs(com5) < 0.1.

The fields com7, com9 are associated to the proportion of OB and HOLMES stars (see paper).

The field com8 is set to 0 if the region is below the Kaufmann curve AND is ionized by HOLMES (unrealistic region), and set to 1 otherwise (the "good" ones).

Formats of the "com" fields:

+----------------+--------------+-------------------+----------+----------------+------+------+-------------------+----------------+| com1 | com2 | com3 | com4 | com5 | com6 | com7 | com8 | com9 |+----------------+--------------+-------------------+----------+----------------+------+------+-------------------+----------------+| name = NGC3619 | iregion = 36 | lU_mean = -3.7216 | fr = 3.0 | -1.05143269068 | Neb | 0.0 | 1 | 0.999622628895 |+----------------+--------------+-------------------+----------+----------------+------+------+-------------------+----------------+

The python program used to compute the meta-grid, to obtain the ad-hoc models (the ones that are in 3MdB) and to do the figures for the paper is linked to this page, see below.

The grid counts 20,793 models.

Work in progress...