
The database is now hosted on a machine with domain name. Register to the discussion group to know more about this (see below).

Welcome to the Mexican Million Models database (3MdB) webpage.

The entries of the database are results of running Cloudy (Ferland et al, www.nublado.org) photoionization code, using the pyCloudy library (https://sites.google.com/site/pycloudy/). New models have been obtained in January 2020, using Cloudy v17.01. The information below is relative to these new models.

For each model (an entry in the database), a set of more than 290 emission line and continuum intensities - integrated over the volume and the radius - are stored, as well as the inputs of the model and the ionic fractions, electron temperature (means weighted by ionic fractions and line emissivities), and other outputs.

The database is on a MySQL server. The name of the new database is 3MdB_17 (the old one is 3MdB). The IP of the server, the username, and the access code are obtained once you are member of the Google discussion group (see below).

Here you will find some information about the structure of the tables, the characteristics of the different set of models identified by a given reference and some tips on how to access the database.

The paper describing the database is THERE: http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2015RMxAA..51..103M

It is a quite good idea to register to the discussion group on 3MdB there: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/3mdb_group

Ch. Morisset

Instituto de Astronomia

Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico

This work has been possible due to grants from CONACyT CB2010-153985,  DGAPA-UNAM (IN-107215 y IN-101220), and CONACyT-CB2015-254132