This set of models are available in both the old 3MdB and the new 3MdB_17 databases. A new grid with ref='BOND_2' run in August 2020, with more values for logU and using Cloudy 17.02 version.

This set of models is associated to the paper "BOND: Bayesian Oxygen and Nitrogen abundance Determinations in giant H II regions using strong and semi-strong lines" by N. Vale Asari, G. Stasinska, C. Morisset and R. Cid Fernandes (2016, MNRAS,

The python script used to generate the models is there:

The varying parameters are:

This results in 31,500 / 113,420 / 210,600 models for db, ref = 3MdB, BOND / 3MdB_17, BOND / 3MdB_17, BOND_2.

The formats of the "com" fields are the following:

+----------------+-----------+-----------------+-------------+-----------+--------------+------+------+------+| com1 | com2 | com3 | com4 | com5 | com6 | com7 | com8 | com9 |+----------------+-----------+-----------------+-------------+-----------+--------------+------+------+------+| lU_mean = -4.0 | fr = 0.03 | age = 5000000.0 | ab_O = -4.6 | NO = -2.0 | SED = sp_cha | | | |+----------------+-----------+-----------------+-------------+-----------+--------------+------+------+------+

One can find attached to this page the python script used to generate the models.

Visit the BOND web page