Denton Folks Photos

Denton North Carolina Folks, people that are/were in and around Denton NC. This is page [1] go to page [2]

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Denton North Carolina Former and merged names include: Finch Roads, Finch's Crossroads and Sycamore ~ sycamore was because of a large grove of sycamore trees.Then they called that place finches cross roads. In 1882 two young men J M Daniel and BI Harrison decided that the immediate vicinity of the cross roads would be a good location for a general store . According to land purchase from Roby Morris , Daniel and Harrison erected a store building approximately 18 x 40 feet a building which long stood on the northeast boundary of where the Hill Motor Co. did stand and now the Classic Restaurant . The building stocked with groceries, drygoods and hardware. A larger stock than could not be found at any other store in southern Davidson County with the exception of Jackson Hill, and proceeded to do what was locally considered a profitable business. In to the building the Post Office was moved and May 23, 1883 . BI Harrison became the towns third postmaster. During his second year in office mail service was daily, where prior to that it was brought down from Thomasville NC.

Dr. Abel Anderson first Dr in Denton

1905 bill from Dr.Abel to BI Harrison

Robert Johnson

Virgil Nance

Max Lanier - Baseball Stats

Jabber and Max Lanier

Hal Lanier - Baseball Stats

Junior Martin

Misses Joe Taylor

Bobby Wilkins - Baseball Stats

Dr. Clifton Baker, MD

Stanley & Dollie Ridge

jackson creek area

Aster & Polly Gallimore 1938 Crousetown rd.

Paul, Marjorie, Pauline and Aster Gallimore -late 50s

Buck Gallimore

Garland Smith

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Thanks to the people who shared Info and Photos for Denton North Carolina History/Photo site , Jim Harrison, John Johnson, WJ Loflin, Donnie Bell, Buddy Sexton, Joanne Sue Snider, Richard Smith, Raeford Clover, Max Hill, John Yates, Frances Lax, Mary Lee Kindly, Betty Lomax, Ginger Martin, Barbra Hogan, Nancy [Lanier] Johnson, Avalea Surratt, Peggy Wilkins, Tom and Brenda Hughes, Al Penry, Robert M. Holroyd II Denton NC Library, Donnie Glover, the crew picture {B-52 Crash} is courtesy Lt. Colonel Glen C. Farnham. USAF Ret., artwork of the B-52 by Dru Blair, info on the crash & the crew are at the NC Aviation Museum in Asheboro NC, border & graphics courtesy Lowe Garner. or