Denton Churches

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The first church to be established in Denton, known as the Denton Baptist Church, organized in 1889. It was designed to take place the of old moribund church known as Old Tom's Creek, which had been established about two-and-a-half miles southeast of where Denton now stands, in 1811, and also to provide a convenient place of worship for the people of the Denton community. When the decision to dissolve the church at Old Tom's Creek was made, in the old building at that place, Robert Tysinger, Andrew J. Buie, James Asbury Snider and Joseph C. Bean were appointed as a building committee for the new church building to be erected at Denton, and were authorized to get a pastor.

After the decision to organize the new church had been made, religious services were conducted about once a month for about a year in the schoolhouse. By the summer of 1891 a spacious new building, located where the First Baptist Church now stands, was ready for use. The new church had 33 charter members, 16 men and 17 women. The Rev. H. Morton, of Thomasville, was called as the first pastor. Services were scheduled for the second Saturday and Sunday of each month, and the pastor's salary was set at $75.00 per year. In connection with the new church, a Sunday School was organized, with L. A. Tysinger as the first superintendent. This church, now known as the First Baptist Church, was the only church at Denton before the twentieth century.

Canaan Church built 1898 - View Canaan UMC History/Photos Here....