1933 Denton Baseball Field Contract
In April, 1933, Mr. BI Harrison entered into a contract with Vernon Cashatt and 15 local baseball players where in he provided lumber and materials as well as limited 'supervision for a local fenced in baseball field and grandstand.The players did the grading and the building. The field was built on the lot that later became the home of Yadkin Valley Chevrolet Co. and included the lot south of that where a bank now stands. The players were J.W. Davis, Arthur Lanier, Flaud Williams, Irvin Sexton, Edwert Peacock, John Lanier, Jennings Steed, R.O. Hedrick, Wade (Jabber) Lanier, Edmond Sexton, Max Lanier, Glenn Lanier, Val McDowell, Clinard Sexton and Guy Morton. At the games, a collection was taken and split between the players and Mr. Harrison until such time as the cost of materials was defrayed. Total cost of materials was $242.96. It was paid off in four years. The field was totally fenced in. One of my earliest memories is of going with my dad and grandfather to the park to see a visiting team of black players from Benton Harbor, Michigan. Each visiting player had a beard. The team was known as The House of David. They represented a religious order and were entertainers in the fashion of the Harlem Globetrotters, throwing the ball all over the place. Mr. Harrison realized $5.00 as his portion of the gate that day. Baseball was a popular recreational activity during the depression years. Info by: Jim Harrison
This Contract furnished by Jim Harrison, son of Howell Harrison
info on this page posted by Ronnie Gallimore by permisson of Jim Harrison
Sub Pages: 1933 Denton Baseball Field Contract * B 52 Crash near Denton NC 1961 * Churches Denton NC * Contributions of BI Harrison told by grandson Jim Harrison * Denton Depot HP T D Railroad * Denton Doctor History * Denton Folks * Denton Misc old building photos * Denton NC first Fire Truck * Denton School History/Photos * Howell Harrison contributions to the growth and development of Denton *.Jabber Lanier story by Buddy * Max Lanier * Veterans of Denton Area