

Combined Age and Weight Adjustment Calculator

Enter data in the gray-shaded cells only. (There may be a bit of a lag before you see what you entered.) Please DO NOT enter anything in the other cells.

The calculator uses the formulae prescribed by Concept2UK described here and presented in this spreadsheet (download).

As mentioned by C2UK, the Concept2US formula for weight adjustment is slightly different and can be accessed by typing 'US' in the appropriate cell.

The current Concept2US web site uses a third formula for weight adjustment which gives a slightly different result. I will add an option to use that formula at a later date.

How much do you weigh?

Enter your weight in pounds, kilos or stone in the gray-shaded cells.

... and a bonus heart rate calculator.

Heart rate reserve (HRR) is the preferred method for calculating training zones for heart rate-based training programs. Enter your HRmax and HRresting in the appropriate gray-shaded cells. Then enter either a HR to determine the HRR% and the corresponding HR zone or enter a HRR% to determine the corresponding HR and zone. The bottom table shows the HR range for each training zone. HRmax can best be determined using the C2 Step Test as described here.

If you would like to see or print out a complete table of HR versus HRmax% and HRR%, click here.

How fast will your boat be?

This calculator is based on the weight and age adjustment formulas developed by Concept2 US and Concept2 UK. It is an adaptation of the material presented by C2 here and here. It may be useful in building fast boats, i.e. making trade-offs between age, weight and demonstrated erg times.

The average weight-adjusted speed is the expected performance of the boat and is affected by changes in an oarsman's weight and time. It will be particularly useful in races that are NOT handicapped. Once the average age is at the bottom of the age group, there's nothing you can do to make the boat faster except find a stronger and/or lighter oarsman.

The average age-adjusted time will be particularly useful if the race is handicapped, i.e. not a pure age group race and can be used to determine if an older oarsman with a slower time will make the boat go faster than a younger oarsman with a faster time.

Enter data in the gray-shaded cells only. (There may be a bit of a lag before you see what you entered.) Please DO NOT enter anything in the other cells.

As mentioned by C2UK, the Concept2US formula for weight adjustment is slightly different and can be accessed by typing 'US' in the appropriate cell.

Please note that I didn't invent the algorithms used in this calculator and certainly can't vouch for their accuracy. But if you have any comments about my adaptation of them, please contact me.

Here's another interesting calculator ... "The Golden Standard of Rowing Fitness".

Enter your 2K erg score and find out your predicted 10 second, 60 second, 6K and 60 minute scores based on data compiled by Kurt Jensen, a Danish rowing wizard, on the performance of the many "world class rowers" he studied over a number of years.