First Paper--Theory of Knowledge

Some general advice about writing these papers here.

Choose one of these topics:

1) How does Carnap resolve the dispute between nominalists and realists in epistemology? What are the criteria by which external questions can be addressed, if at all? Critically evaluate Carnap's resolution.

2) What is Putnam's argument for the claim that "We are all (and always were) Brains in Vats." must be false? What is the skeptical scenario he refutes? Which skeptical scenarios does he not refute? Critically evaluate Putnam's argument. (Devote as little space as you can to discussing Putnam's full theory of reference and the other examples he considers.)

It should be at least 750 words long. Proofread and spell check your paper carefully. Follow the philosophy department writing guidelines at: Papers with serious spelling, grammar, or construction errors will not be accepted.

Put this paper in Google Docs, give it the section title: Carnap or Putnam. It should be completed by the beginning of class on Tuesday, Sept. 21.