AI Long Paper

Your long paper proposal for our Artificial Intelligence course is due by Friday, May 8th at noon in your Google Doc. Your longer paper should be a project that is comparable in style, argument, and approach to the shorter papers we've written, and it should follow the "How to analyze a philosophical essay" for the department. But it should be longer and pursue a thesis in more depth and detail. Our previous papers have been approximately 800-1000 words. This project should be in the range of 2,000 words. So you will need to pick a topic and pursue an argumentative thesis that is appropriate to that scope.

Long Paper Topic: Choose one of these two options:

A) Expand and develop the analysis and arguments from one of your earlier short papers into a broader research project. This would require that you expand the range of arguments being covered, either in the author's piece we read, additional readings, or you may add more sources that develop relevant positions. Your bibliography or works consulted should include at least 5 relevant sources even if you do not reference them all directly in your paper. You should do a thorough and accurate job of reconstructing and explaining the argumentative positions in these sources in your exposition. Then in your Critical Evaluation section, you should present and develop a clear, concise philosophical and argumentative of your own that uses the sources in the previous section as the context. Follow the How to Analyze a Philosophical Essay guidelines and the Philosophy Department Writing Guidelines.

B) Find another new source or sources than the ones we used for our earlier papers and follow the How to Analyze a Philosophical Essay guidelines in a paper that is at least 2,000 words. It can be on any topic in the philosophical analysis of artificial intelligence. You can use multiple sources, but it would be best if they are directly related to each other, and they have positions that can be clearly juxtaposed to one another. Your bibliography or works consulted should include at least 5 relevant sources, even if you do not reference them all directly in the paper. Follow the How to Analyze a Philosophical Essay guidelines and the Philosophy Department Writing Guidelines.

For both options, you must schedule an appointment with me during office hours, Tuesday and Thursday, 12-1:30 or by appt. to talk about your paper plan by Thursday, April 9. Come prepared with a list of sources and a proposal for your topic.