Critical Responses

Write a brief critical response to an important or philosophically significant issue in one of the central arguments presented by one of our authors. Your paper should have an introduction in which you briefly summarize the argument, the issue, and the thesis you wish to develop, an exposition section in which you accurately and charitably reconstruct the argument from the author's work, and then your critical response in which you will clearly state and then defend a philosophical thesis with regard to the concept, claim, conclusion, or inference developed in the prior section. The first two sections cannot be omitted, but the most important section of this paper, and the part that should reflect the most careful philosophical work on your part, is the critical evaluation portion.

Your paper should conform to the Philosophy Department Writing Guidelines, and it should adhere to the recommendations in the How to write an analytical essay guidelines.

Your paper should be at least 750 words. Put it into your Google Doc for the course. Due dates are listed on the schedule.