
Maya Hair vs. Shave and a Haircut?

Shave and a Haircut:


faster dynamics

great styling tools


not as well integrated into Maya as Maya Hair, out of the box shaders not as nice looking

additional software cost

additional cost of rendering over a farm

Maya Hair:


good shaders. looks like hair!

fast render times

renders over farms without issue--if--you set the filepath right.


difficult to style

slow and aggravating to simulate

It seemed to work well to create and style hair using Shave, then export the guide curves and use them for a Maya hair system. still doesn't solve the issue of slow dynamics, though.

Maya Hair FAQ

How do you make hair collide?

To make hair collide with objects

    1. Select the hair system. ( Window > Outliner)

    2. Shift-click to select the object or surface you want the hair to collide with.

    3. Select Hair > Make Collide. A geoConnector node is added to your collision object.

      1. If your collisions are not working, make sure Collide is turned on in the hair system Attribute Editor. For more information, see Collisions.

      2. If your hair is penetrating the collision object, then you can try the following:

        • Increase the Tessellation value in the collision object’s geoConnector node.

        • Increase the Collide Over Sample value in the Collisions section of the hairSystemShape.

How do you disable all dynamics for the scene?

dynamic globals (dynGlobals)?

i think performance option only disables deformers

Why does my scene freeze whenever I select the hair system?

still not sure.

Shave & Haircut FAQ

Shave & Haircut Cache over renderfarm?

  • Vojtisek

  • My question is - is it possible to cache Shave and Haircut for Maya,

  • even if its dynamic is driven by another curve simulator? What Shave

  • is doing is taking dynamic curves, spline lock them the to itself, run

  • the dynamics, but when the spline lock is broken, shave cache doesn`t

  • respect what was simulated and set Shave back to default position

  • (like cache doesn`t exist).

  • I`m asking because I have to render hair shots on the farm and I`d

  • like to distribute just one final Shave cache, not many caches for

  • Shave, for curves etc.

  • By default now it`s not possible to bake all the precomputed dynamics

  • to just shave cache. I mailed little bit with Joe Alter and I`m not

  • sure if it`s possible for the future. And google didn`t find nothing,

  • which could sounds like a solution.

  • I believe lot of people before me and my research were solving this

  • problem, so I hope there could be somebody who can help or show me

  • where to search.

  • Thanks a lot

  • Vojta

  • Sachin Shrestha

  • What renderer are you going to use? If its any Renderman then you can bake

  • shave into ribs.


Shave & NCloth:

Maya Hair setup: