Useful Utilities


Various, slightly organized collection of useful tools. Many thanks to those who have put these up.


Lz Modeling Tools (luiz elias)

City generation (Brave rabbit)


File Texture Manager


Marco Giordano's


Script that will search and replace duplicate node names in Maya?

Duplicate Check script on Creative Crash

  • there is a method on MFnDependencyNode called "hasUniqueName". just

  • iterate over all dag nodes in the scene and ask whether it has a

  • unique name or not.

  • def iterNonUniqueNames():

  • iterNodes = MItDag() #NOTE: only dag objects can have non-unique

  • names... despite the fact that the hasUniqueName method lives on

  • MFnDependencyNode (wtf?!)

  • while not iterNodes.isDone():

  • mobject = iterNodes.currentItem()

  • if not MFnDependencyNode( mobject ).hasUniqueName():

  • yield mobject


  • (Hamish Mckenzie)

Get rid of all namespaces

From Script Swell, "no questions asked"

Center a Joint in An Edge Loop

On Mel wiki here

//from otto leffler!




select -cl;

Reorder Attributes


Stephen Mann's Smart Reorder-er

Zhen's version (goes up AND down..)

Reset To Default Pose

"custom tools for a single-click character reset that places the control rig in the default pose." (TD Matt)

Traversing Hierarchy

Get the Top Node in a DAG chain, given its child

my first recursion! :)

def getTop(node):

topNode = ''

par = mc.listRelatives(node, p=True)

if par != None:

topNode = getTop(par)

node = par[0]

return topNode


return node

(you can do this with one line of code actually, but then you don't get to use recursion..)

Delete Unnecessary 'Orig' Nodes

    • string $nodes[] = `ls -dag`;

    • string $obj;

    • for($obj in $nodes){

    • if(`gmatch $obj "*Orig*"`) {

    • //print($obj);

    • string $list[] = `listConnections $obj`;

    • if(size($list)==0){

    • delete $obj;

    • }

    • }

    • }

  • (Jeremy Raven)


Change cluster orientation from world to local:

//from Jan Berger! bless!

// select a locator and then a mesh and then run this code

string $selection[] = `ls -sl -l `;

cluster -bs 1 -wn $selection[0] $selection[0] $selection[1] ;

Mirror Cluster Weights

Is there any good way to mirror the cluster weight just like thejoint's skincluster? i have wrote one but it's very slow and there aresome bugs, does anybody have a good solution?

have you tried looking at maya's mirror deformer weights?

( its in the bottom of the edit Deformers menu)

(s. mann)

Also, check this out:

I tested it a little a long while back, and it seemed to do the trick.

(j. patrick)

Actually, here, we developed a mel script that converts weightedDeformers

weights into a skinCluster, then do the mirrors on this copy, then reconvert

the skinCluster weights into the deformer.

Quite fast, and reliable.

Should even be simpler to code and faster in pyhon.



How to have two objects be constrained by each other?

Check out the bidirectional constraint from exotools. (C. Vernon)

Constraining object to Nurbs CV

Constraining object to Nurbs Surface

pointOnSurface! pointOnSurfaceInfo!

Constraining object to Polygon Surface

(this just goes through how to do it with Maya Hair, but there are other ways..)


Red9's Free Rigging/Animation Tools

link here


how would I find the angle between these two joints(see picture). so that I can rotate the second joint and it will align perfectly with the first joint? I want to find the long angle around.

Since you know the vector of the edge being shared by the faces, you can

use vector projection of the joint to find OA and OB. Then you can do acos(

dot( OA, OB ) ) to find the angle. you will need to do checks to see if you

want the long angle or the short angle. The check will be the same as the

check you are using for the joint orientation. Hope i make sense. :)

(J. Neo)


Manually add an object to deformer set

sets -add "wire2Set" "geo_mushroom_A3_wireTg";

import maya.cmds as mc

sel =

for s in sel:

mc.sets(s, add="ffd10Set")

mc.sets(s, add="ffd1Set")


Hide all the pivots you turned on earlier and don't remember what they belonged to

Select everything and run:

mc.toggle(state=False, rp=True)

mc.toggle(state=False, sp=True)

Make Parent Rotate Pivot follow Child

this gives me some pointers but its not enough to comprehend :D (sickiziu)

I appreciate your line of thinking, but I think you need to just measure

the distance from last frame and take the vector from that, then do your

rotation calculation. (R. O'Phelan)

Are you trying to avoid expressions?

I generally do it through making the wheel "face fwd" by aligning it along

the path that it just came from. Ie look 1 frame back to determine

direction Then use the distance between current an last points to

determine amount It traveled . Which becomes the distance for a wheel

rotation expression. (S. Mann)




How to Benchmark the FPS during playback

Skeleton Pose tool--to use for updating the rig? Transfer animation from old rig onto skeleton, then back onto new rig?

Copy Animation Script

What's a good one?

PAIE - very easy to use:

Playblast with different Animation Values

that allows you to enter a range of values for an attribute then playblast/cache for each variation based on those values so you can quickly see what value for your attribute works best?

If there is no tool for this available, can anyone give me some hints as to how to begin making one? I'm up for making a fairly involved, comprehensive tool.



ok, so I have had some luck. What I wrote up last night is geared more towards multiple attributes, and a consistent "step" size and a start and stop number for each attribute.

An option to specify specific values would probably be beneficial too, so I'll mess with that next and see about a gui for it.

just copyPaste and run, it just prints it's current combination of values, but the print statement could easily be swapped out for a function such a playblast command that labels the playblast based on the current attribute values.

(Lucas Morgan)

#("attributeName", step, start, stop)

asd = [["pCube2.translateX", 1, 0, 10], ["pCube2.translateY", 2, 0, 10], ["pCube2.translateZ", 1, 0, 5], ["pCube2.somethingElse", .2, 0, 1]]

originalLen = len(asd)

origAsd = asd

backupAsd = []

whereAreWeStr = "Currently at : "

for item in asd:


#This var tells the script whether or not to continue iterating on the same attribute, or to move to the next one.

amIfinished = 0

numOfAttr = range(len(asd))

curAttr = len(asd) - 1

#print numOfAttr

#print curAttr

while(amIfinished == 0):

for item in asd:

whereAreWeStr = whereAreWeStr + str(item[2]) + " : "

print whereAreWeStr

whereAreWeStr = "Currently at : "

if(originalLen == 1):

if((asd[numOfAttr[curAttr]][2] + asd[numOfAttr[curAttr]][1]) <= origAsd[numOfAttr[curAttr]][3]):

#print str(asd[numOfAttr[curAttr]][2]) + " of " + str(asd[numOfAttr[curAttr]][0])

asd[numOfAttr[curAttr]][2] = asd[numOfAttr[curAttr]][2] + asd[numOfAttr[curAttr]][1]


amIfinished = 1

elif(curAttr == (len(asd) - 1)):

if((asd[numOfAttr[curAttr]][2] + asd[numOfAttr[curAttr]][1]) <= origAsd[numOfAttr[curAttr]][3]):

#print str(asd[numOfAttr[curAttr]][2]) + " of " + str(asd[numOfAttr[curAttr]][0])

asd[numOfAttr[curAttr]][2] = asd[numOfAttr[curAttr]][2] + asd[numOfAttr[curAttr]][1]


asd[numOfAttr[curAttr]][2] = backupAsd[curAttr]

curAttr = curAttr - 1

elif(curAttr < (len(asd) - 1) and curAttr > 0):

#print str(asd[numOfAttr[curAttr]][2]) + " of " + str(asd[numOfAttr[curAttr]][0])

if((asd[numOfAttr[curAttr]][2] + asd[numOfAttr[curAttr]][1]) <= origAsd[numOfAttr[curAttr]][3]):

asd[numOfAttr[curAttr]][2] = asd[numOfAttr[curAttr]][2] + asd[numOfAttr[curAttr]][1]

curAttr = curAttr + 1


asd[numOfAttr[curAttr]][2] = backupAsd[curAttr]

curAttr = curAttr - 1

elif(curAttr <= 0):

#print str(asd[numOfAttr[curAttr]][2]) + " of " + str(asd[numOfAttr[curAttr]][0])

if((asd[numOfAttr[curAttr]][2] + asd[numOfAttr[curAttr]][1]) <= origAsd[numOfAttr[curAttr]][3]):

asd[numOfAttr[curAttr]][2] = asd[numOfAttr[curAttr]][2] + asd[numOfAttr[curAttr]][1]

curAttr = len(asd) - 1


amIfinished = 1

print "Finished"

Procedural Animaton

Growing Trees (Malcolm Kesson)

Interactive Fractal Modeler (Landon Gray)


Where is my outliner window???

// check that the outliner window exists

print (`windowPref -exists outlinerPanel1Window` + "\n");

// see where it is

print `windowPref -q -topLeftCorner outlinerPanel1Window`;

// bring it back to the topleft of the screen

window -e -topLeftCorner 50 50 outlinerPanel1Window;


Hide Arnold Shape Attributes in GUI

Script is here

(Thanks to Stephen Mann)


PLAYBACK diagnostic--to tell you how long scene is taking to playback through a certain time period, so that you can use to see if something is making scene play more slowly. (like Son-san's old tool..)

utility to toggle between world and object space would be nice

utility to copy master shelf to local computers:

  • #!/usr/bin/env python

  • import subprocess

  • mayabin="/usr/autodesk/maya2009-x64/bin/maya"

  • safe_copy_scripts = subprocess.Popen("rsync %s %s" % (your, options),

  • shell=True)

  • check = safe_copy_scripts.wait()

  • if check != 0:

  • subprocess.Popen(mayabin, shell=True)

  • #end example

(stefan andersson)

Hotkeys That Will Make Your Life Better

Alt + B: toggle through background colors in the viewport

Ctrl + mmb: slide through an attribute in the channel box more slowly (since just mmb will slide through)


  • This just came up, and maybe someone knows an answer.

  • you know how the script editor will keep the info saved in it from mayasession to maya session.

  • we thought saving prefs was a sure bet to keep that information ( as

  • sometimes you crash, and lose your script)

  • but apparently hitting the save prefs, does not save that info,

  • anyone know what is run to save that info out? its run when you close

  • maya...

  • thanks

  • -=s

  • erdinc May 24 07:57PM +0300 ^

  • savePrefs; // updates -- > ../prefs/userPrefs.mel

  • string $scriptEditor = `getPanel -wl "Script Editor"`;

  • removeScriptEditorPanel $scriptEditor; // updates -- > ../prefs/

  • scriptEditorTemp/"CommandExecuter" files

  • cool,

  • from that I was able to hunt down this...

  • syncExecuterBackupFiles();

  • which seems to do exactly, and only what I want.

  • thanks !

  • -=s


Render Layer Get Info

Say I want to get the per render layer render frame range of all my different render layers (that have been set with overrides).

How can I do that *without actually changing currently active layer*, using Mel, Python or PythonAPI?


global proc renderLayerDiagnose()


int $currentLayer = `getAttr renderLayerManager.crl`;

string $renderLayers[] = `listConnections -destination 1 -source 0 -plugs 0 renderLayerManager.renderLayerId`;

for ($rl=0; $rl < `size($renderLayers)`; $rl++)


int $id = `getAttr ($renderLayers[$rl]+".identification")`;

if ($id == $currentLayer)


// do your own thing here....

// e.g. this block prints out the overrides that apply to the current layer

string $overrides[] = `listConnections -destination 0 -source 1 -plugs 1 ($renderLayers[$rl]+".adjs")`;

int $index, $overridesSize;

$overridesSize = `size($overrides)`;

if ($overridesSize!=0)

for ($index=0; $index < $overridesSize; $index++)


print ($overrides[$index] + “\t");

print `getAttr ($renderLayers[$rl]+”.adjs["+$index+"].value")`;

print “\n”;


else print ("No overrides on “+$renderLayers[$rl]+"\n");







Jason Osipa's Free Maya Tools

Are here, on his website. which is a *real* wiki!


What is the SOuP?

    • So I finally got around to trying SOuP after years of talking about it,

    • it's exactly what it says on the tin. Houdini SOPs in maya, implemented as

    • simply as they can possibly be within maya without changing maya itself.

    • There's not a lot of official docs, but between the massive collection of

    • examples they have, and blog posts, and video tutorials (and half

    • remembered Houdini techniques from 2 years ago), it definitely gives me

    • confidence to pitch on work in maya that I'd otherwise insist has to be

    • Houdini.

      • (M. Estela)

  • Hi Matt, welcome aboard.

  • A little bit of background info here - SOuP started as an effort to bring

  • some of Houdini's capabilities in Maya. I, like many other people got tired

  • of switching for and back between these two packages all the time.

  • Later on the project started morphing into something that was bigger in

  • scope than putting the few core nodes that form the backbone of Houdini's

  • procedural system into Maya. That evolution was initially based on my own

  • needs (coupled with the much bigger possibilities that the existing at the

  • time SOuP nodes allowed in Maya), the needs of the guys around me and later

  • in the game predominantly by the user base out there.

  • The SOuP project grew much bigger than (i at least ever) expected and

  • regardless of how one spins it the workflow is demanding. It requires

  • significant technical background. As a result many people are struggling to

  • get in for real. The lack of good centralized documentation does not help

  • the situation.

  • Hopefully at some point in the near future we will get comprehensive

  • documentation in place, as Sachin hinted. There is a small group of people

  • spending time on that.

  • (P. Shipkov)

      • Welcome aboard Matt! Please head to and let me know your

      • handle on the forums. There will be some improvements to the docs but it

      • might take some time. Until then keep popping questions on the forums.

      • Cheers,

      • Sachin