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Information Tips for the PSION Organiser II - PC DOS based software FileMaker v2.01 with additional information on connecting to a Windows Computer and configuring the Comms Link in DosBox.

The Download files.. FileMaker.ZIP contains all the files outlined on page 3 of the Operating Tips below, these were included on the original 1990's floppy disk. LinksODB.OPK 32k Datapak image (OPK) containing the Filemaker Links Programming Modules as outlined on the FileMaster page. LinksODB.OPK  will be used in conjunction with FileMaster pack inserted in the other 'drive'. LinksODB.OPK also contains the large databases outlined below (Fish, Birds, and the racing Horse, Jockey and Trainer Records for 2018)  Comms Link cl211.ZIP Put together by Dave Woolnought contains the most up-to-date files from the original comm link floppy disk plus other useful utilities outlined on the Comms Link Manual Page.

Downloadable files

FileMaker.Zip (here)

LinksODB (OPK) Database files (here)

Get Comms Link  cl211.ZIP (here)

FileMaker manual

FileMaker Tips.pdf

Widget publication


Organiser Database Files

These relatively large database files are provided to allow users and enthusiasts the opportunity to practice their database handling routines, even better if they are an angler, race goer or twitcher. Those 64K Organiser users may wish to free up some space on A: in order to receive these files. Those 32K (or less) Organiser users will want to receive the files directly onto a clean 32K or greater Data, Ram or Flash Pack. You will get all these files and more onto one of Olivier's 256K Rampacks.

Fish.ODB Comprehensive database of British freshwater fish (260 records), past and present, involving all different species/sub-species of fish caught using the traditional angling method of rod and line. Fields to include the angler, species, weight, date, venue (29K).

Birds.ODB contains data on native birds. Of interest to bird watchers (27K)

Amateur Radio ITU Call Sign Database 300+ Records

Call sign series Allocated toAAA-ALZ United States of America



Racing.ZIP Contains the 2018 Horse, Jockey and Trainer Records. Of interest to race goers (29K)

Psion Organiser II users who would like to comment or are looking for access to the Organiser FileMaker software and/or the instructions can leave a message for Martin