Home Assistant

Demo: https://demo.home-assistant.io/#/lovelace/0



I first installed it in a Virtualbox VM on my laptop, in order to experiment a bit and gain experience for a final installation on Raspberry Pi.

I used this as an installation guideline, as the HA docs were not clear and did not result in a working solution.


- Install VirtualBox + extension pack

sudo vboxmanage extpack install Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-6.1.16-140961.vbox-extpack

Boot from emcc on Odroid-XU4


    • flash HassOS to both an SD and eMMC, then boot off the SD with the eMMC also plugged in, then run

    • dd if=/dev/mmcblk1 of=/dev/mmcblk0boot0 bs=512 skip=1 seek=0 count=16381

    • at the Linux prompt. Note that this is untested, but in theory should work..

    • If you are getting permissions issues when using the dd command,

    • try disabling RO: echo 0 > /sys/block/mmcblk0boot0/force_ro

    • to re-enable after running dd: echo 1 > /sys/block/mmcblk0boot0/force_ro

Set a static IP address with nmcli on the command line of the virtual machine

nmcli con show to list all network connections

nmcli con show 'Your Connection Name' to list the current properties of that connection

--> nmcli con show 'HassOS default'

nmcli con edit "Your Connection Name" to enter edit mode for that connection

--> nmcli con edit 'HassOS default'

To add your static IP address (select ‘yes’ for manual method);

nmcli> set ipv4.addresses

Do you also want to set 'ipv4.method' to 'manual'? [yes]:yes

nmcli> set ipv4.dns

nmcli> set ipv4.gateway

nmcli> save

nmcli> quit

Forgot pwd or reset pwd: login with root on the command line of the VM and issue following command

auth reset --username existing_user --password new_password



Add Devices via GUI: goto HA/Configuration/integrations/+

- Daiking units can be activated by setting their IP@ don't fill in the password or device key.

- Sony Bravia: in TV menu instellingen/netwerk/geregistreerde externe apparaten beheren in HA, set TV IP@

- Tado thermostat: add in HA configuration and input your Tado login and password

Date and time

# To display time or date, add this sensor definition in configuration.yaml

# Each display option adds a sensor in entities

# edit dashboard and add card/by entity the lovelace screen

# After that, reboot to activate this integration


- platform: time_date


- 'time'

- 'date'

- 'date_time'

- 'date_time_utc'

- 'date_time_iso'

- 'time_date'

- 'time_utc'

- 'beat'

Add devices manually

Via HA Supervisor/addon store, add the file editor addon, and edit HA configuration files (search in HA documentation the desired device)

Google drive backup



Icons: https://cdn.materialdesignicons.com/5.3.45/

