Linux applications

To use it as a normal user
  sudo usermod -aG wireshark $(whoami)

To dump USB traffic on Linux, you need the usbmon kernel module. If it is not loaded yet, run this command as root:

  modprobe usbmon

To give regular users privileges, make the usbmonX device(s) readable:

  sudo setfacl -m u:$USER:r /dev/usbmon*

sudo reboot

These are the instructions to get VMware working.

modprobe -a vmw_vmci vmmon

If you need the vm to have network access (add --enable) if you want any of the service to start at boot.

systemctl enable vmware-networks

If you need to pass on USB device into the vm

systemctl enable vmware-usbarbitrator

Start radarr as a service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable --now radarr

Using radarr

Start sonarr as a service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable --now sonarr

Using sonarr

Start bazarr as a service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable --now bazarr.service

Start lidarr as a service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable --now lidarr

Using lidarr
http://localhost:8686   or  http://{your_ip_here}:8686

Start readarr as a service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable --now readarr

Using readarr

whisparr    adult

Start whisparr as a service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable --now whisparr

Using whisparr

Start prowlarr as a service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable --now prowlarr

Using prowlarr


Installed in /usr/lib/jackett/    
run it:   ./jackett

Start jackett as a service:   
cd /usr/lib/jackett/
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable --now sonarr

Using Jackett:
http://localhost:9117    or    http://<host ip>:9117

Converting .deb files is the easiest way, for .rpm files it is much more difficult.

pamac install debtap

You must run at least once "debtap -u"

with root privileges (preferably recently),

before running this script

Download the .deb file of your choice, having previously done a search on Arch and AUR repositories. If your file is not listed, you can go through debtap.

The ideal is to go into admin mode by inserting the command:


Go to the directory where your package is located and proceed as follows (minergate is here as an example):

debtap minergate.deb

Debtap will ask you to use a license of your choice. Simply reply via GNU or GPL. Wait a few seconds while the conversion takes place. Once your pkg created just install it once and for all by entering this command.

Sudo pacman -U minergate.pkg

Here are guides to installing rpm and deb packages on Arch Linux:



To install Virtualbox, download and install the installation script and the extension pack from the Oracle site.

sudo ./

sudo VBoxManage extpack install Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-6.1.16-140961.vbox-extpack

 I use rsnapshot from the repo's,

It makes hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, .... backups

and automatically deletes old snapshots.

Here is my rsnapshot.conf  file. it contains comments on how to install & configure it.

        Tools>Options>Languages>Language Settings, Locale Setting=Dutch(Begium)

        Close OO Calc, The next time it will use tis locale.

        Use the OO addon txtOOo   with following parameters

            Registered filter: Keytrade

            Name:  Text - txt - csv (StarCalc)

            Value:  59,34,11,1,1/9/2/9/3/4/4/9/5/2/7/9,0,false,false

After trying some software, I found that non of them worked fine.

- PDFeditor: slow like hell

- Gimp: does not do multipage PDFs

- Kword: imports the text, but does not preserve fonts & formatting

- OO3 with the Sun PDF extension does a nice job too

If you change your distribution, you can import your old bookmarks from a file with extension .json

So search for old .json files and import them in Firefox using the menu Bookmarks/organise bookmarks/import

Typically they can be found in /home/marc/.mozilla/firefox/jylrhubg.default/bookmarkbackups

Firefox addons: ColorfullTabs, Downloadhelper Downthemall, No Squint, PDF-escape.

gmail accaount configuration does not work anymore on Kontakt --> changed to Thunderbird

When I tried to open remote video files with VLC via a Samba share I got this error message:

Your input can't be opened:

VLC is unable to open the MRL 'smb://...'

It seems that this problem is related to credentials and can be fixed by entering the credentials for the Samba share in the VLC preferences (Tools > Preferences > Input / Codecs > Access Modules > SMB Input):

Or use  virt-manager or AQEMU  GUI tools