LENDMAN, Stephen. Humane US commentator on Mainstream media lying: "Readers, viewers and listeners are systematically betrayed. They’re lied to."

Stephen Lendman (born 1934) is a Chicago-based, anti-racist Jewish American writer, commentator, broadcaster, human rights advocate, businessman, market analyst and author of "How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion and Class War ". He is a frequent contributor to humane, anti-racist, pro-peace Alternative media, notably Media With Conscience News (MWC News), and hosts the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network three times weekly. (see: http://sabbah.biz/mt/archives/2013/01/19/stephen-lendman-open-letter-to-new-york-times-editors/#utm_source=Sabbah+Report+Newsletter&utm_campaign=6dca971c33-Mailchimp_RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email and http://sjlendman.blogspot.com.au/ ) .

Stephen Lendman on Mainstream media lying in an Open Letter to New York Times editors (2013): “A personal note: I’m one of your fiercest critics. I’m certainly one of the most outspoken. My critiques are justified. I don’t prepare them lightly.I scrupulously strive for truth and full disclosure. If only Times writers, contributors and editors maintained similar standards. You fall woefully short…

Managed news misinformation is far worse [than Mccarthyism]. Countries are ravaged and destroyed. Millions die. Many more suffer. McCarthy paid for his villainy. Media scoundrels freely commit grievous harm daily. Stevie Wonder song lyrics called apartheid “wrong, wrong, wrong.” Media misinformation on what matters most exceeds it manyfold. Billions suffer globally at home and abroad. A friend once suggested I contribute. I said my only chance is if a same-named publication exists on another planet. My views aren’t welcome. Nor are those of others who write truthfully about what matters most. I target you because your articles, commentaries and editorials have global reach. What you report, worldwide media and influential figures repeat…

Do imperial wars bother you? Does human suffering matter? Is business as usual OK? Are sham elections? Is democracy for the few alone? Do corporate interests count more than popular ones? Do wealth, power, privilege, and unchallenged dominance alone matter? What about an unconscionable growing wealth gap? How about corporate and political lawlessness? What about a private banking cartel controlling America’s money? Is looting the federal Treasury OK? What about reckless money printing OK to serve them? Do growing poverty, homelessness, hunger and despair concern you? What about deepening social decay symptomatic of national decline? How about growing millions worldwide calling America a pariah state for good reason? Waging political, economic, social, and hot wars put it in a class by itself. Are you concerned? Is this the America you support? Dare you call it beautiful? You have global clout. You could use it responsibly. You could expose what’s wrong and help reverse it. You’d be heroic for trying…

Western print and broadcast media match or exceed the worst of NYT misreporting, commentaries and analysis. They all bear full responsibility. Readers, viewers and listeners are systematically betrayed. They’re lied to. Disreputable sources abound. Major broadsheets, other publications, corporate radio, US broadcasters, cable channels, BBC, CBC, National Public Radio, Public Broadcasting, Al Jazeera, and many others share responsibility. Their daily fare isn’t fit to print or broadcast. They feature everything but truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth on what matters most. Their unconscionable warmongering is worst of all. When America goes to war or plans one, they march obediently in lockstep. They represent a virtual Noah’s Ark of scam artists. Savvy readers and viewers avoid them. Maybe some day everyone will choose credible alternative sources. Perhaps doing so will make major media a public service. Imagine the difference that would make.” [1].

[1]. Stephen Lendman, “Stephen Lendman: Open Letter to New York Times editors”, Sabbah Report, 19 January 2013: http://sabbah.biz/mt/archives/2013/01/19/stephen-lendman-open-letter-to-new-york-times-editors/#utm_source=Sabbah+Report+Newsletter&utm_campaign=6dca971c33-Mailchimp_RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email .