This website records a huge body of carefully researched and less than 200 word Letters I have sent individually  addressed by e-mail to the Editors  of major Australian Mainstream media (Australian MSM) in recent years.  The subject matter was extremely serious, dealing with existential  threats to Humanity and the Biosphere from nuclear weapons and climate  change, and documenting horrific human rights abuses, notably of the sorely oppressed Occupied Palestinians.  

Only  half a dozen of these Letters were published in whole or in part and the carefully researched Content is largely absent from Mainstream public discussion in US lackey, Zionist-subverted, Zionist-perverted, look-the-other-way Australia where the MSM are dominated by oligopoly commercial media (notably the awful US Murdoch media empire that has about 70% of the daily newspaper readership) and  the taxpayer-funded Australian Broadcasting Corporation (the ABC, the Australian equivalent of the similarly deficient  UK BBC). The UK-based Guardian and the multicultural Australian Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) are notable exceptions to the appalling media malaise in US lackey Australia. 

This website is a particular record (the tip of an iceberg) of what Australian Mainstream media and their Masters don't want people to see, read, know about or think about. This  represents a useful historical record of egregious lying by omission, lying by commission, censorship and self-censorship by Australian Mainstream media. 

To better appreciate my resolute  attempts to penetrate the Mainstream media Wall of Silence for 3 decades, it should be noted that I am an anti-racist, Jewish Australian scientist, secular Humanist, artist and  author of 10 huge books (this tally including several hugely updated and revised editions). I taught science students at La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia over 4 decades. I published some 130 works in a 5 decade scientific career, notably a huge pharmacological reference text "Biochemical Targets of Plant Bioactive Compounds" (2003). I also published “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950” (2007, 2021), “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History. Colonial rapacity, holocaust denial and the crisis in biological sustainability” (1998, 2008, 2022), “US-imposed Post-9-11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide” (2020), “Climate Crisis, Climate Genocide & Solutions” (2020), “Free Palestine. End Apartheid Israel, Human Rights Denial, Gaza Massacre, Child Killing, Occupation and Palestinian Genocide” (2024), and contributed to Soren Korsgaard (editor) “The Most Dangerous Book Ever Published – Dangerous Deception Exposed!” (2020). For images of my huge paintings for the Planet, Peace, Mother and Child see:  . I have also published  huge number of typically lengthy, detailed and exhaustively documented humanitarian articles around the world over the  last 30 years e.g. see “Gideon Polya”: , and for those published on Countercurrents in particular see “Gideon Polya Countercurrents articles”: .  

Set out below are Letters from  Dr Gideon Polya e-mailed individually to the editors of major Australian media.  The most recent are put first so the horrific and worsening carnage is not minimized. The few actually published are indicated in bold. This is a shocking testament to what Australian Mainstream media do not want their readers to see, hear, know about or think about.

(A). 7 October  2023 onwards i.e. since the Palestinian Breakout from the Gaza Concentration Camp.

7 June 2024.

A misogynist, sexist, racist, ultranationalist and pathological liar, former US president Donald Trump told 30,000 lies as president and has been convicted as a felon over a victim-less dishonesty. What is resolutely ignored  in the flood of related reportage by US and US-beholden Western Mainstream media is that Trump and 45 other US presidents remain un-convicted for deadly war crimes and other horrendous genocidal crimes committed by genocidally racist America since 1776 from the American Indian Genocide to the ongoing Palestinian Genocide in the devastated Gaza Concentration Camp.

Bomb-supplying America and Joe Biden are stained with the blood of 16,000 murdered Palestinian children. Decent people around the World will urge and apply Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against child-killing Apartheid Israel, child-killing, pro-Apartheid America  and all people, parties, corporations and countries supporting these child-killing and genocidal states. In Australia, ruled by a Gaza Genocide-complicit, US lackey, pro-Apartheid Israel and pro-Apartheid Labor Government, and with an even worse Coalition Opposition, decent people will (a) put Labor last  in Australia’s preferential voting system, and (b) demand that Australia leave the nuclear-armed and region- and world-destabilizing  AUKUS Alliance.


5 June 2024


The deaths in the first 220 days of the latest Gaza Massacre (including those buried in rubble) have totalled 44,000, this including 16,000 children, 10,000 women, 40,000 civilians, 371 healthcare professionals, 45 civil defence workers and 141 journalists (Euro-Med Human Rights Watch). However this unforgivable carnage is obfuscated by false media coverage about alleged anti-Jewish anti-Semitism at pro-Palestinian human rights rallies and on university campuses.


An anti-racist Jewish Australian, I have attended  most of the weekly Melbourne CBD Sunday rallies for  Gaza (12 noon, State Library). They were all large (5,000-40,000 people) and  peaceful.  The  anti-Zionist Jews present were enthusiastically applauded, and anti-racist Jews were typically routinely involved as rally speakers.


However Zionists and the US lackey and hence pro-Zionist Coalition and Labor politicians, not content with violating Humanity’s core  ethos of Kindness and Truth, are now demanding judicially-enforced Orwellian Newspeak with the Arabic “intifada” (“shaking off”) to mean  “terrorism”,  and “from the river to the sea Palestine  will be free” to mean “genocide”. There are those who oppose the mass murder of children and the utterly unforgivable others. Anti-racist Australians will put Labor last for making Australia complicit in the Gaza Genocide.



29 May 2024


“Prisoners killed per year per million of prisoner population” was  22.9 (Australian POWs killed by the Japanese in WW2), whereas for Jewish Israeli killing of inmates of the Gaza Concentration Camp as of Day 220 of the Gaza Massacre  it was  86.2 (for total Gaza  population), 132.3 (adult males), 66.7 (children), and 76.3 (adult females).


As of Day 220 Apartheid Israel has killed 43,640 Gazans including 15,971 children out of a total Israel/Palestine population of 15.1 million. In WW2 1.5 million Jewish children were killed over 6 years  out of a Nazi-occupied Europe population of 280 million. “Children killed per year per million of total administered territory population“ was 893 (for Jewish children in Nazi-occupied Europe) as compared to 1,756 (for Gaza children killed in Jewish Israeli-ruled Palestine “from the river to the sea”).


As of Day 220 the Occupied /Occupier Reprisals Death Ratio was 43,640/1,200 = 36.4, 3.6 times greater than the Reprisals Death Ratio of 10 ordered by Nazi mass murderer Hitler and immediately effected in the 1944  Ardeatine Massacre in Rome.


Nazi is as Nazi does, terrorist is as terrorist does, and silence is complicity – ergo, put Labor last for unforgivable genocide complicity.



28 May 2024

On 16 May the Zionist-subverted Australian Senate voted 56-12 for an Orwellian Coalition-introduced motion  falsely condemning the slogan “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” as “antisemitic” and “intimidatory”. Only the 11 Greens Senators  and ex-Green Independent Senator Lidia Thorpe voted against  the motion. To anti-racist Jewish, non-Jewish, Palestinian, Arab and Muslim Australians  the slogan simply means exactly what it says: equal and all human rights for everyone everywhere in Palestine.

Indeed B’Tselem (the eminent, authoritative, and anti-racist Israeli Information Centre for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories) correctly described Israeli Apartheid thus: “A regime of Jewish supremacy from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea: This is apartheid”.

However a 1977 election manifesto of the extreme right-wing Jewish Israeli political party Likud asserted that “between the sea and the Jordan there will be only Israeli sovereignty”. Indeed the present racist, Likud-dominated Apartheid Israeli Government rejects both a 2-state solution and a non-racist 1-state  solution. Decent, anti-racist  Jewish and non-Jewish Australians will vote 1 for the  Greens (or  like-minded people) and put Labor last because the Labor Government must be punished for its unforgivable complicity in 20 ways in the Gaza Genocide.*

*Gideon Polya, “20 Ways Anti-Semitic Australian Labor Government Complicit In Jewish Israeli Gaza Genocide”, Countercurrents, 5 March 2024: .



23 May 2024


Condemned by the US, Israel and the Coalition, the ICC has commenced war crimes prosecutions against Hamas and Netanyahu. Hamas killed at most 1,200 Israelis on 7 October  2023  (1,170 adults and 30 children) and took 250 hostages (however most Israeli deaths may have been caused by the high explosive firepower of the IDF response).


In comparison, as of 13 May 2024  (Day 220 of the Gaza Massacre) Israel has killed 43,640 Palestinians in Gaza (this including  17,287 men, 15,971 children, and 10,382 women) and holds about 10,000 Palestinian hostages in military prisons in Israel, as well as 5.6 million Occupied Palestinians held hostage under military rule including 2.3 million in the Gaza Concentration Camp (1,212,100 adults, 618,171 women,  593,929 men, and 1,087,900 children).


34,000 Australians died in service in WW2 including 8,031 killed out of 22,376 Australian POWs held by the Japanese from 15 February 1942 to 12 September 1945 (15,706 days).


“People killed per day per million of relevant prisoner population” (i.e. Australian POWs held by the Japanese or  Gaza adults, men, children and women): 22.9 (Australian POWs) versus in Gaza 86.2 (total population), 132.3 (men), 66.7 (children), and 76.3 (women). Punish all war criminals. Silence is complicity.



18 May 2024


Congratulations to Labor Senator Fatima Payman for her moral courage in condemning the ongoing Gaza Genocide, Occupation and horrific violation of Palestinian human rights.


As an anti-racist Jewish Australian scientist and humanitarian writer with a sole allegiance to Australia I am endlessly horrified by the false conflation of Apartheid Israel and its genocidal crimes with all Jews (i.e. including anti-racist Jews) by Labor, Coalition and many other MPs.


Indeed the anti-racist Jewish Council of Australia has stated: “The Jewish Council of Australia sends Fatima Payman a big mazel tov for her courage in breaking with the party line and strongly speaking out against Israel’s genocide. It should not be controversial to use this terminology as it is in line with the finding of the International Court of Justice that Israel’s action’s constitute a plausible genocide”.


The Australian Senate voted 56-12 on 16 May for a Coalition-introduced motion  to falsely condemn “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” as anti-Semitic. The reverse is true: the Senate in effect declared that the Semitic  Palestinians should  not be free.


Thanks also to Senator Payman for defending the decent soul of Australia.



14 May 2024


As of 3 weeks ago the death toll of Palestinians in Gaza totalled an unforgivable 43,000,  including  16,000 children and 10,000 women. However in Zionist-subverted Australia and America the big news is about Jewish students feeling “fearful” and false  claims by  Zionists,  politicians, and university bosses about asserted “antisemitism” by  protesters decrying the carnage and demanding human rights for Palestinians.


An anti-racist Jewish Australian Humanist with a sole allegiance to Australia I have attended  most of the huge and utterly peaceful Melbourne Sunday Rallies for Gaza (5,000-40,000 people, every Sunday, 12 noon, Victorian State Library). The rallies all warmly applauded  anti-racist Jewish supporters and the rally speakers typically included wonderful Jewish activists. Wandering around with a huge double-sided placard reading WORLD: STOP PALESTINIAN GENOCIDE and  BOYCOTT APARTHEID ISRAEL I invariably encountered admirable Jewish participants.


The scholarly author (mostly overseas) of a thousand huge humanitarian articles and 10 huge books (including several massively updated revised editions) I have been rendered almost invisible to Orwellian Mainstream Australia over the last dozen years  by  Mainstream gate-keepers and false Zionist defamation – real and highly damaging anti-Jewish anti-Semitism tolerated by the unforgivable,  Zionist-subverted and Gaza Genocide-complicit Labor and  Coalition rejected by the decent young.   



6 May 2024


As an anti-racist Jewish Australian with a sole allegiance to Australia I applaud the ABC finding the courage to broadcast a Compass program about wonderful and acclaimed anti-racist Jewish Australian writer Antony Loewenstein  (“My Israel Question”, “Pills, Powder and Smoke”, “Disaster Capitalism” and “The Palestine Laboratory”).


In keeping with the multi-millennial humanitarian Jewish tradition from the Ten Commandments and wonderful Jesus to Hannah Arendt and Howard Zinn, Antony Loewenstein condemns the gross human rights denial and genocide inflicted  by racist  Zionists on Indigenous Palestinians for over a century. He is not alone – a recent survey of US Jews found that 25% agreed that Israel was an Apartheid state, with 38% of those under 40 agreeing with this proposition.


I voted Labor 1 most of my life but Labor’s climate inaction shifted me to vote Greens 1 and Labor 2 a dozen years ago. The Australian Government’s manifold and unforgivable  support for Apartheid Israel in its horrific and ongoing Gaza Massacre and Gaza Genocide*  means that they must be punished at the ballot box, and that decent anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish voters will be compelled to put Labor last. Inaction is complicity.



3 May 2024


As an anti-racist Jewish Australian scientist, secular Humanist and  humanitarian writer, I applaud the student protests at many Australian  universities for Palestinian human rights, and particularly the Palestinian right to life. Thus Euro-Med Human  Rights Monitor estimated (23 April 2024) that taking into account the dead under rubble, 42,510 Palestinian had been killed in Gaza, including 15,780 children, 10,091 women, 38,621 civilians, and 137 journalists, with 79,240 injured and 2 million out of 2.3 million  displaced.


The indignant but peaceful protests for Palestinian human rights by anti-racist non-Jewish and Jewish Australian university  students have been falsely condemned as “social cohesion”-threatening and “anti-Semitism” by Labor and Coalition  politicians and by Mainstream media, this being faithfully reported by the taxpayer-funded ABC that practices a “balance”  that is actually cowardly and dishonest “2-side-ism”.


There is real and damaging anti-Jewish anti-Semitism in Australia that is directed against the very best of Jews, the anti-racist Jews who believe in all human rights  for all, “never again to anyone”,  and are utterly opposed to the unforgivable mass murder of children by US- and US Alliance-backed Apartheid Israel. Silence is complicity. [Published by the Australian Financial Review].


PS. Via Amazon see Gideon Polya’s  “Free Palestine. End Apartheid Israel, Human Rights Denial, Gaza Massacre, Child Killing, Occupation and Palestinian Genocide” (2024): .



18 April 2024


By 3 April 2024 (Day 180 of the Jewish Israeli-imposed Gaza Massacre) 42,000 Palestinians had been killed in Gaza  including 38,000 civilians, 15,000 children, 10,000 women, 349 health workers, 196 aid workers, and 136 journalists, with 77,000 injured (Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, including those dead under rubble). Meanwhile the World looks on, the US Alliance and Australia back Apartheid Israel, and the US Congress considers a further $14 billion for Israel’s Gaza Massacre.


The World must demand that (a) the killing must stop immediately and permanently, and (b) Apartheid  Israel  should be permanently ordered out of Occupied Palestine to permit Palestinian self-determination and rapid entry of (a)  life-saving sustenance and medical teams, and (b) forensic teams to examine all those murdered by the war criminal Jewish Israelis.


How to stop the Palestinian  Genocide immediately: (a) the World (UN General Assembly and UN Security Council) must immediately, specifically and effectually accord all Palestinians all the human rights set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and (b) all those countries effectively opposing this unexceptional measure (predictably the US, Apartheid Israel, US Alliance and Australia) should be subject to draconian global sanctions.



13 April 2024


US-beholden Australia is deeply complicit in 20 ways in  the century-long Palestinian Genocide including the horrific and ongoing Gaza Massacre (40,000 Palestinians killed so far, 15,000 being children).*  The only MPs in the Federal Australian Parliament to support an immediate and permanent Ceasefire in Gaza have been the Greens, ex-Green Lidia Thorpe, and the Independents Helen Haines and Andrew Wilkie.


Senator Jordon Steele-John (Greens spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Peace): Instead of helping to end the violence, this government continues to sell military equipment to Israel, cut aid to Palestinians and refuses to back an International Court of Justice investigation. These actions are making our nation complicit in a genocide”.


The Palestinian Genocide in Gaza by US- and US Alliance-backed Jewish Israelis is utterly unforgivable -  anti-racist Australians (and anti-racist Jewish Australians like me in particular) simply cannot support genocide-complicit Labor, the genocide-complicit Coalition or indeed any genocide-complicit people.


Genocide-complicit people should worry -  Article 3 of the UN Genocide  Convention states: “The following acts shall be punishable: (a) Genocide; (b) Conspiracy to commit genocide ; (c) Direct and public incitement to commit genocide; (d) Attempt to commit genocide; (e) Complicity in genocide.” Silence is complicity.

*Gideon Polya, “20 Ways Anti-Semitic Australian Labor Government Complicit In Jewish Israeli Gaza Genocide”, Countercurrents, 5 March 2024: .  


12 April 2024


2024 marks the 80th anniversary of the WW2 Jewish Holocaust in Hungary. Nazi Germany invaded Hungary in March 1944 and deported over 400,000 out of 800,000 Hungarian Jews to Auschwitz, most to their deaths. Churchill vetoed the Brand plan to save the Hungarian Jews (my people) by trading them for 10,000 tonnes of cocoa, coffee, tea and soap.  


However in 2022 an evidently unrepentant neo-Nazi Germany, like Labor-ruled Australia, voted No to the annual UNGA Anti-Nazi Resolution, and in  2024 has a  major complicity in the ongoing Jewish Israeli-imposed Palestinian Genocide in the Gaza Concentration Camp through arms supply, withholding UNRWA aid, fervent support for Apartheid Israel at the UN and in UN agencies, threats to pro-Palestinian human rights activists, and massive Orwellian lying in support of Apartheid Israel. *


So far over 40,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza including 15,000 children, yet in the Australian Federal Parliament only the Greens, Lidia Thorpe, Helen Haines and Andrew Wilkie have supported an immediate and permanent Ceasefire. Decent anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish  Australians simply cannot  vote for an unforgivably genocide-complicit, pro-Apartheid Israel and hence pro-Apartheid Labor. The Coalition is even worse. We must bear witness. Silence is complicity.

*Gideon Polya, “Unrepentant Neo-Nazi Germany Complicit In Palestinian Genocide & Ongoing Gaza Massacre”, Countercurrents, 11 April 2024: .


10 April 2024

Unmoved by (a) over 40,000 Palestinians killed including 15,000 children in the ongoing  Gaza Genocide, and the existential threats to Humanity from (b) nuclear weapons and (c) climate change, the cowardly, neoliberal, US lackey and Zionist-perverted Australian Labor Government still refuses to follow  Labor Party policy and (a) recognize the State of Palestine, (b) sign the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), and (c) take requisite urgent action on Australia’s world-leading Exported greenhouse gas pollution.


The only Federal MPs to support an immediate and permanent Ceasefire in Gaza have been the Greens, ex-Green Lidia Thorpe and the Independents Helen Haines and Andrew Wilkie. Yet the Labor Government  adds to its unforgivable crimes  by falsely accusing the Greens of  exploiting  the Gaza atrocity for political advantage.


For me  as an anti-racist Jewish Australian scientist, scholar and humanitarian with a sole allegiance to Australia this is the last straw. The core ethos of Humanity is Kindness and Truth but decent Australians simply cannot vote for  a Gaza Genocide-complicit, US nuclear terrorism-complicit, climate criminal and egregiously mendacious Labor Government. The Coalition is even worse. Poor fellow my country.


5 April 2024

Like other anti-racist Jewish Australians I demand an immediate and permanent end to the Gaza Genocide and the 57-year, war criminal and grossly human rights-violating Apartheid Israeli Occupation.

After 180 days of Jewish Israeli mass murder in Gaza (over 40,000 Palestinians killed including 15,000 children, and over 330 life-sustaining healthcare workers killed, 196 deprivation- and famine-addressing aid workers killed and over 134 genocide-reporting journalists killed) the utterly despicable, unforgivable, cowardly, Gaza Genocide-complicit, Zionist-beholden and US lackey  Australian Labor Government (no doubt informed by its sine qua non electoral considerations, deeply-angered focus groups and the utterly hypocritical concerns of bomb-supplying, genocide-complicit and  geriatric child killer Biden) has finally found the courage to risk Zionist backlash and condemn the Apartheid Israeli murder of heroic Australian aid worker  Zomi Frankcom.


The unspeakable Coalition still backs Apartheid Israel over this atrocity that also severely challenges polite discourse in Orwellian, look-the-other-way, pro-Apartheid Israel and hence pro-Apartheid  Australia - while Labor are Ankles (lower than the anatomical proverbials) the Coalition are Soles (cannot get any lower).


4 April 2024


The Jewish Israeli military say that the IDF killing of heroic Australian aid worker Zomi Frankcom and her 6 colleagues was an “accident”, and the Apartheid Israeli PM Netanyahu has stated “This happens in wartime”.  However this is belied by the sustained IDF killing of aid workers and the journalists reporting Jewish Israeli atrocities.


Thus from BBC and Euro-Med data, 196 aid workers killed by Jewish Israelis over 180 days  in the besieged and bombed Gaza Concentration Camp means an average of about 1 killed  per day,  and 134 journalists killed over 160 days  in Gaza also means an average of about 1 killed per day – damning evidence of sustained killing by the IDF.


For comparison, of 22,376 Australian POWs under the Japanese,  8,031 died over the 15,706 days from 8 February 1942 (fall of Singapore) to 2 September 1945 (Japanese surrender) i.e. an average of 0.5 Australian POWs were killed per day by the Japanese war criminals.


Yet it has taken 180 days of killing (over 40,000 Palestinians killed including 15,000 children) and the murder of  Zomi Frankcom for the Zionist-beholden and cowardly Australian Labor government to finally vigorously protest. Decent anti-racist Australians simply cannot vote Labor.



15 March 2024

Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor reporting the Jewish Israeli-imposed Gaza Genocide for the period  7 October 2023- 5 March 2024: including  those buried in rubble, 39,178 killed, (14,622 children, 8,896 women, 35,490 civilians), 73,300 injured, 132 journalists killed.* As reported by ABC “Four Corners” on  11 March, a Jewish Israeli general said the killing may continue for several years.

Apartheid South Africa was banned from the Olympics from 1964-1994  after the 1960 Sharpeville Massacre by South African police in which 69 Africans were killed and 180 injured. Apartheid Israel should likewise face a global sporting ban after about 40,000 people killed in Gaza, this including  an Olympic football coach, a FIFA referee, dozens of players, athletes, and technical staff.

Apartheid Israel has destroyed the Palestinian Olympic Committee offices, turned sports facilities into shameful mass detention and torture centres, and bombed most major stadiums across Gaza. Decent Australians must support a sporting ban on genocidal Apartheid Israel in addition to condemning the unforgivably Gaza Genocide-complicit, pro-Apartheid Israel and hence pro-Apartheid Australian Labor Government. PS. My children, like fantastic Sam Kerr, are Bengali Australians.

*Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor report of deaths for 7 October 2023- 5 March 2024 on X:



11 March 2024


As of Day 151 (5 March) of the latest Jewish Israeli Gaza Massacre there  have been 39,178 Palestinians killed including 14,622 children and 8,896 women (Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor). The “excuse“ offered by Jewish Israelis and their mass murder-complicit  Zionist  and pro-Zionist supporters (notably the Murdoch media, the taxpayer-funded ABC and the  Australian Labor Government) is the death of 1,200 Israelis in the 7 October Palestinian Breakout from Gaza.


The  IDF response with tank shelling and helicopter Hellfire missiles was responsible for many of these deaths. Indeed fire-zone deaths are typically proportional to firepower (why the per capita homicide rate in Australia  is 8 times less than that in the US). Accordingly the IDF may well have caused most of these deaths.


Conservatively assuming that the IDF caused 50% of the 1,200 Israeli deaths on 7 October, the Occupied/Occupier Reprisals Death Ratio is presently 39,178/ 600 = 65.3, 6.5 times greater than the 10 ordered by Nazi mass murderer Hitler and subsequently effected in the 1944 Ardeatine Massacre. Nazi is as Nazi does. Terrorism is as terrorism does. Silence is complicity. Anti-racist Jewish (like me) and non-Jewish Australians will put unforgivably genocide-complicit and pro-Apartheid Israel Labor last.



4 March 2024


As a Jewish Holocaust–impacted, anti-racist Jewish Australian/Tasmanian scholar with a sole national allegiance to Australia I am inescapably bound by the core moral messages from the WW2 Jewish Holocaust and indeed from all holocausts and genocides, namely  zero tolerance for lying, zero tolerance for racism, never again to anyone, and bear witness – tell the truth for the voiceless.


We truthfully say that ”The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor” without  quibbling about the 3.5% Korean conscripts in the Imperial Japanese armed forces. Likewise, compulsory military service for most Jewish Israelis means that except for 1% non-Jewish volunteers,  only Jewish Israelis are killing Palestinian children, mothers, women and men in the ongoing Gaza Genocide – irremovable shame on the child-killing war criminals, the Jewish Australians among them, and their Jewish and non-Jewish Zionist supporters. 


After 5 months of the Jewish Israeli-executed Gaza Genocide, over 14,000 children killed and over 100,000 Palestinians killed, missing or injured, in the Australian Federal Parliament only the Greens, Lidia Thorpe, Helen Haines and Andrew Wilkie have supported an immediate and permanent ceasefire. The Coalition, Labor and like-minded other MPs unforgivably support child-killing Apartheid Israel. Decent, child-loving Australian voters must ask:  Coalition or Labor, who to put last?



29 February 2024


It could only happen in look-the-other-way Australia – the nation’s politicians and media  disingenuously ask  who is this ASIO-asserted singular politician acting for another  country? As reported by Australian Mainstream media (a) shamefully  still-imprisoned world hero Julian Assange’s Wikileaks named  2 Labor MPs reporting on Labor caucus meetings to the US Embassy, (b)  of the order of  1,000 Australian politicians, journalists and other  “influencers” have been given generous trips to Apartheid Israel so that support for this genocidal entity  and its fanatical supporters is now entrenched in Australia, and (c) leading politicians have gained lucrative jobs in retirement after enabling  acquisition of massive military contracts or strategic assets for foreign countries.


Former  PMs  Malcolm Fraser and Paul Keating, and former FMs Bob Carr and Gareth Evans variously warned against such subversion of Australia. John Pilger exposed the US and  UK parties to the 1975 Coup. Of  5 huge, detailed and documented Submissions I made to the newly-formed  NACC one  may have survived rejection, namely a detailed account of the Australian Labor Government lying for Apartheid Israel*.  “Governments lie” (famed anti-racist Jewish American journalist  I.F. Stone) but lying and subversion for inimical foreign powers is treason.

*Gideon Polya, “Submission To National Anti-Corruption Commission: Australian Labor Government’s Lying For Apartheid Israel”, Countercurrents, 22 July 2022: .


27 February 2024


According to Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor by  Day 140  of the Gaza Massacre (23 February 2024) Palestinian deaths in Gaza totalled 38,066,  including 34,570 civilians, 14,350 children, 8,620 women, and 130 journalists with 71,220 injured. This ongoing massacre through violence and deadly deprivation is in reprisals for 1,200 Israelis killed in the 7 October Palestinian Breakout from the Gaza Concentration Camp (nearly all being past, serving or reservist military, 30 being children, and many killed by high explosive tank shelling and helicopter Hellfire missiles from the responding IDF,  but Israel has been burying the evidence).


Only the Greens, ex-Green Lidia Thorpe, Helen Haines and Andrew Wilkie have voted Yes in Federal Parliament for an immediate and permanent  Ceasefire. The World contains 2 kinds of people, those opposing the mass murder of children and the unforgivable others. Silence is complicity.  The No-voting and hence Gaza  Genocide-complicit Coalition, Labor and Independent MPs are thus unforgivable others.


The Coalition are in opposition and don’t know any better, but Labor is in government and know that their position is unforgivably wrong. Utterly appalled Australian voters  ask themselves:  put the Coalition or Labor last?  



18 February 2024


Terrorism is as terrorism does. Careful analysis reveals that 49,000 Occupied Palestinians were violently killed by  Jewish Israelis in the period 2000 to mid-February 2024 (Israeli B’Tselem and Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor). In contrast, Occupier Jewish Israelis killed in the same period totalled 1,900 (conservatively assuming that half of the 1,200 killed on 7 October were killed by high explosive IDF shells and missiles). The Occupied/Occupier Reprisals Death Ratio was 49,000/1,900 = 26 as compared to the 10 ordered by Hitler and effected immediately in the 1944 Ardeatine Massacre in Rome.


The homicide rate for Israelis is about 20 per million per year, the average Israeli population since 2000 was about 7.5 million, and accordingly from 2000 onwards about 3,750 Israelis were murdered by fellow Israelis versus about 1,900 Israelis killed by Occupied Palestinians and 49,000 Occupied Palestinians violently killed by Jewish Israelis. However the IDF has not reduced Tel Aviv, Haifa and West Jerusalem to rubble as with Gaza. Apartheid Israel leads the world in killing journalists* and the IDF killed over 127 journalists (and over 14,000 children) in Gaza since 7 October 2023. ABC journalists in particular must be allowed to report these awful truths.

*Gideon Polya, “Remember Shireen Abu Akleh: Apartheid Israel Leads The World For Killing Journalists”, Countercurrents, 6 June 2022: .


15 February 2024

The Victorian government signed a memorandum of understanding with Israel's defence ministry in December 2022. There is a massive 2-way arms trade between Israel and Australia. Australia has been soiled by extensive military research collaborations between Apartheid Israel and Australia universities, most notoriously between Melbourne University and F-35-producing Lockheed and between RMIT and Elbit systems.


Rafael Advanced Defence Systems, Elbit Systems and an arms-related AI Centre of Excellence operate in Victoria with enthusiastic Labor government backing. Various Victorian companies provide key parts to the Israeli war machine, notably to  the Lebanon-, Syria- and Gaza-bombing F-35s. Indeed only Israel is permitted to modify the US F-35 for improved killing. This  week a genocide-cognizant Netherlands court ordered the Dutch government to stop exporting parts for F-35 fighter jets to Israel. Such a ban has yet to eventuate in Gaza Genocide-complicit Australia  that is second only to the US as a supporter of Apartheid Israel and hence of the heinous crime of Apartheid.


Informed Victorians and indeed Australians voting for either Labor or the even worse Coalition make themselves unforgivably complicit in the IDF mass murder of Indigenous Palestinian children in Gaza (Euro-Med Human Rights: 14,000 children killed by mid-February 2024).  


14 February 2024

A week after the commencement of the latest Gaza Massacre on  7 October 2023, the only Australian Federal Parliamentarians to support an immediate Ceasefire were the 11 Greens Senators, the 4 Greens Members of  the House of Representatives (MHRs) and ex-Green Senator Lidia Thorpe.


According  to Euro-Med Human Rights Watch, after 100 days of the Gaza Massacre, 100,000 Palestinians were killed, missing or wounded, and 31,497 Palestinians had been killed including  12,345 children, 6,471 women and 245 health workers.


Now after 4 months of Jewish Israeli mass murder of Indigenous Palestinians in Gaza, 91 MHRs have again overwhelmingly rejected a Greens Ceasefire motion (backed by the 4 Greens MHRs Adam Bandt, Stephen Bates, Max Chandler-Mather and Elizabeth Watson-Brown, 2 Independents, Helen Haines and Andrew Wilkie, and no doubt by all anti-racist  Jewish and non-Jewish Australians) (see Australian House of Representatives, “Middle East”, Hansard, 7 February 2024).


Silence is complicity - decent Australians simply cannot vote for Coalition, Labor and Independent politicians and like-minded candidates thus unforgivably complicit in the ongoing mass murder of children, mothers, women and civilian men. Shame Australia, shame.


12 February 2024


Despite a century-long Palestinian Genocide involving 2 million deaths from imposed deprivation, 70,000 violent deaths and 3 mass population expulsion events (800,000 or 60% of the Indigenous population expelled in the 1948 Nakba, 0.4 million expelled in the 1967 Naksa, 1.5 million  forced out of northerly Gaza in 2023-2024, and 2.3 million facing expulsion into the Egyptian desert), 7.6 million Indigenous Palestinians represent 52% of the Subjects of Apartheid Israel but 73% of them (the Occupied Palestinians) have no human  rights under highly abusive military rule and cannot vote for the government ruling them (Apartheid).


The US, UK, Australia and other Western countries remain fervent supporters  of war criminal Apartheid Israel and are variously complicit in its genocidal crimes (Australia provides arms, trade,  weapons targeting, intelligence and diplomatic support). Decent people (and especially the indignant young) have a message to politicians of the complicit Western duopolies (the US Republican/Democrat, UK Conservative/Labour and Australian Coalition/Labor duopolies): We cannot vote for those oppressing those who cannot vote.  A Third Party Revolution (Greens and Socialists) is coming  led by non-voting children opposed to unforgivable Israeli mass murder of children and the worsening existential threats from poverty, nuclear weapons  and climate change.



2 February 2024


The New Testament, Matthew 18.21-22: “21. Then Peter came to Him and said, Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Until seven times? 22. And Jesus said unto him, I say not unto thee, until seven times, but until seventy times seven”. In terms of child killing in the latest Gaza Massacre US-, West- and Australia-backed Apartheid Israel has unforgivably sinned not merely 491 times but over 12,345 times. Thus  Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor (13/1/24): “On 100th day of Gaza genocide: 100,000 Palestinians killed, missing or wounded … A total of 31,497 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip have been killed… including 12,345 children, 6,471 women, 295 health personnel”.


The unforgivable Australian Labor Government has exceeded its 490 quota by opposing a ceasefire in October and now joining the US Alliance in withholding its contribution to UNRWA based on claims by the mendacious Israelis. According  to Pulitzer Prize-winning  American journalist Chris Hedges the cuts to UNRWA funding “will accelerate the horror, turning the attacks, starvation, lack of health care and spread of infectious diseases in Gaza into a tidal wave of death”.  Anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish Australians simply cannot vote for an utterly unforgivable Labor.


Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, “On 100th day of Gaza genocide: 100,000 Palestinians killed, missing or wounded”, 13 January 2024:,000-Palestinians-killed,-missing-or-wounded  ;  Chris Hedges, “The silence of the damned”, Pearls & Irritations, 2 February 2024: .



19 January 2024

Euro-Med reported after 100 days of Israel’s latest  Gaza Massacre: “About 100,000 Palestinians have been killed, reported missing, or wounded since 7 October 2023… A total of 31,497 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip have been killed as of today, 13 January 2024… Of those killed in the Israeli air and artillery attacks on the Strip, 28,951 (92%) were civilians, including 12,345 children, 6,471 women, 295 health personnel, 41 civil defense personnel, and 113 journalists. Meanwhile, 61,079 individuals have been injured, hundreds of them critically”.

In addition 1,500 Occupied Palestinian fighters were killed in Israel on 7 October and 355 Occupied Palestinians were killed in the West Bank since then, for a total of 33,352 deaths in reprisals for 1,200 Israelis killed on 7 October, 97.5% adults and past or present Israeli military, with most  likely killed by IDF shelling and missiles. Not reported by the taxpayer-funded but Zionist-subverted ABC that threatens and forces out truth-telling journalists like Antoinette Lattouf and Nour Haydar, the Occupied/Occupier reprisals  Death Ratio is at least 33,352/1,200 = 28, nearly 3 times greater than the 10 ordered by Hitler and effected in the 1944 Ardeatine Caves Massacre. Nazi is as Nazi does. Silence is complicity.


16 January 2024

The Australian Labor Government is still seeking  a  “2-state solution” to the “conflict” in Palestine that is now impossible because 90% of the land of Palestine has been ethnically cleansed by the Jewish Israelis of Israel’s 52% majority Indigenous Palestinian subjects. However a gigantic step to a humane solution can be effected immediately by simply granting all Indigenous Palestinians equal human rights and indeed all the human rights set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).

This proposition is unexceptional for all decent Humanity, and in Australia those rejecting this on a racial basis for a large body of Australian subjects would be regarded as racist pariahs utterly unfit for decent company, public life and public office.  However equal rights and all UDHR-specified human rights for all of Israel’s Indigenous Palestinian subjects have been implacably opposed by US- and Western-backed Apartheid Israel for 75 years simply because it wants the land but not the Indigenous inhabitants.


5 January 2024

While  71% of UK Muslims supported Labour in 2019, by late October 2023 this had shrunk to 5%, and the Muslim Conservative vote had likewise shrunk from 9% to 1% (Pearls & Irritations, 5/1/2024), with this 10-fold drop in the Muslim vote occasioned by the despicable support by both Labour and the Tories for Israel and its ongoing Palestinian Genocide in Gaza. No doubt many other decent Brits  will react similarly.


One week after the Israeli bombing started all Federal Australian MPs (except for the Greens and Senator Lidia Thorpe) rejected a ceasefire, this occasioning the acronym KILLs (for Koalition, Independent  and Labor Liars). Not just Australian Muslims and Arabs but all anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish Australians are utterly appalled by the massacre that has so far killed over 29,000 Occupied Palestinians including over 11,000 children (Euro-Med 27/12/2023).


Muslims, Arabs, and anti-racist Jews are about 4% of Australian voters, and Jewish Zionists about 0.4%, but the KILLs fervently and unforgivably back the latter and support child-killing Apartheid Israel out of fealty to Zionist-subverted America that is now widening the killing  to Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq. Decent Australians will overwhelmingly reject  the US, Apartheid Israel and the KILLs. Silence is complicity.



3 January 2024

Many analysts (some of them eminent and award-winning) have concluded from mounting evidence that the massive tank and helicopter firepower deployed in the  IDF response on 7 October was responsible for many of the 1,200 Israeli deaths. These deaths have been used as a 9/11-style excuse for  the physical destruction of much of Gaza,  and a horrendous Palestinian Genocide with the prospective expulsion of 2.3 million Palestinians into the Egyptian Sinai desert in addition to the  1948 Nakba (or Catastrophe (0.8 million expelled from Palestine, 60% of the Indigenous Palestinian population ) and the 1967 Naksa or Setback (0.4 million expelled).

Like the genocidal German Nazis in Eastern Europe, the genocidally racist, settler-colonialist  Zionists want all the land of Palestine (plus adjacent territories) but not the Indigenous Semitic inhabitants. Anti-racist Jewish American scholar Professor Bertell Ollman (NYU): “The Zionists are the worst anti-Semites in the world today, oppressing a Semitic people as no nation has done since the Nazis” (Google “Jews against  racist Zionism”). DNA analysis  shows that the numerically and politically dominant  Eastern Europe-derived Ashkenazi Jews (including myself) descend from non-Semitic, Turkic Khazar converts to Judaism with zero Middle Eastern (Semitic) contribution. Nazi is as Nazi does.

PS. For details and documentation see Gideon Polya, “IDF Killed Israelis On 7 October Enabling 9/11-style Excuse For Gaza Genocide”, Countercurrents, 31 December 2023:  .  



29 December 2023


Re the Australian Museum Ramses II/Palestine controversy,  Palestine (Falastin to Indigenous Palestinians) was named after the Philistine inhabitants of over 3,000 years ago, was called thus by Greek historian Herodotus (circa 450 BCE), and was referred to as Palestina by the Roman Empire  and by subsequent empires including  the 4-century Ottoman Caliphate (1517-1924) and the British Empire (that occupied Palestine in 1917-1947). Today there are about 15 million Palestinians of whom 7.6 million Occupied and Israeli Palestinians represent over 50% of the subjects of US-backed Israel, the largely Ashkenazi Jewish settler-colonial Zionist entity now mis-ruling all of Palestine.


Ramses II was defeated by the Hittites at the Battle of Kadesh in Syria (1275 BCE) but returned to Egypt (via Palestine of course) to order his scribes and artists to proclaim a tremendous victory – the first major example of a state re-writing history. The lying continues. Indeed anti-racist Jewish American journalist I.F. Stone famously declared “Governments lie”.  Thus there  is no non-Biblical evidence for the Hebrew Exodus from Egypt nor for the Kingdom of David and Solomon, and DNA analysis says that Ashkenazi Jews (such as myself ) are not Semitic (descending  from non-Semitic, Turkic Khazar converts to Judaism).



22 December 2023

At Christmas, we celebrate the birth of the wonderful Jewish Palestinian Jesus who articulated the core ethos of humanity as kindness and truth. We are reminded of the biblical nativity narrative of how the Rome-backed, Jewish King Herod slew all the male children under two years old. Today, this biblical story is matched by the horrible reality of more than 8000 Palestinian children killed so far in Gaza, according to Hamas.


The taxpayer-funded ABC has trashed kindness and truth by forbidding use of the terms “apartheid” and “genocide” in this context, and by sacking radio host Antoinette Lattouf for protesting against this ghastly present-day massacre of the innocents.


Memo for Christmas gatherings: the world has two kinds of people, those opposing the mass murder of children, and the unforgivable others. Silence is complicity. [published by The Age].  


22 December 2023

At Christmas we celebrate the birth of the wonderful Jewish Palestinian Jesus who articulated the core ethos of humanity as kindness and truth.

We are reminded of the Biblical nativity narrative of how the Rome-backed Jewish King Herod “When he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under” (Matthew 2: 16-18).

Today this Biblical fable is matched by the horrible reality of over 10,000 Occupied Palestinian children killed so far in US-backed apartheid Israel’s ongoing Palestinian Genocide in the Gaza concentration camp (Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, 15 December).

The taxpayer-funded ABC has trashed kindness and truth by forbidding use of the terms ‘apartheid’ and ‘genocide’ in this context, and by sacking humanitarian journalist and radio host Antoinette Lattouf for protesting this ghastly present-day Massacre of the Innocents.

Memo for Christmas gatherings: the world has two kinds of people, those opposing the mass murder of children, and the unforgivable others. Silence is complicity [Published by the Tasmanian Times.].


17 December 2023

The Australian Labor Government repeatedly claims to act foremost for the safety of Australians, even to the extent of wanting to imprison refugees indefinitely  without charge or trial, but actually seriously endangers Australians  in 6 ways in the interests of foreign powers:


(1).  It permits the US giving bulk intelligence on Australians to Israel (as revealed by the Sydney Morning Herald).


(2). It declines to order Israel to not bomb places in Gaza containing  Australian citizens and residents.


(3). It committed to spend an average of $20 billion annually for 20 years on AI-detectable nuclear-powered submarines while, for example, 100,000 Australians die preventably annually from “life-style choice” reasons.


(4). It has made Australian cities and Pine Gap prime nuclear targets through nuclear-armed AUKUS and hosting nuclear-armed US warships and bombers.


(5). It fails to protect Australians from returning dual citizen Israeli-Australian foreign fighter participants in the ongoing Gaza Genocide (Euro-Med: so far 25,000 Occupied Palestinians killed in 70 days including  10,000 children).


(6). It has flagrantly lied in 15 areas in the interests of Australia-subverting  Israel as set out in a huge, detailed and  thoroughly documented Submission to the National Anti-Corruption Commission.*


Silence is complicity.

*Gideon Polya, “Submission To National Anti-Corruption Commission: Australian Labor Government’s Lying For Apartheid Israel“, Countercurrents, 22 July 2023: .



9 December 2023


The key solution to the Middle East “conflict”  can happen today with the stroke of a pen granting 15 million Exiled, Occupied and Israeli Palestinians equal rights and all the human rights set out in the 30 Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


Unfortunately nuclear terrorist, genocidally racist, child killing and neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel  will simply not meet this minimal  humanitarian demand, and until it does the civilized world must apply stringent Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against  Apartheid Israel and all its genocidally racist supporters.  


In Australia that means BDS against all the Federal MPs (except for the Greens and Lidia  Thorpe) who unforgivably trashed Australia’s international reputation by opposing an immediate Ceasefire and cessation of the genocidal Gaza Massacre i.e. the Kindness- and Truth-violating,  racist and mendacious Koalition, Independent and Labor Liars (the KILLs).


Children killed per day was 1,000 (for Jewish children in WW2) and is 150 (since 7 October for Occupied Palestinian children in Gaza). The world has 2 kinds of people, those unequivocally opposed to the mass murder of children and the others who include the genocidally racist and Zionist-perverted US Alliance countries and notably the Australian KILLs and those voting for them.



7 December 2023


Articles 55 and 56 of the Fourth Geneva Convention unequivocally demand that an Occupier must supply its conquered Subjects with life-sustaining food and medical services “to the fullest extent of the means available to it”. However before 7 October  2023 the per capita  GDP  was $53,000 (Occupier Israel) , $3,500 (the Occupied Palestinian Territory), and $1,000 (Gaza) i.e. Occupier Israel was grossly violating  the Fourth Geneva Convention.  


Since 7 October Israel by siege and bombing has largely deprived 2.3 million Occupied Palestinians in Gaza of life-sustaining water, food, shelter, medical requisites and medical services in an even more deadly violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention, and indeed of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, that has so far killed about 22,000 Gazans including 9,000 children, injured 40,000, and rendered most Gazans homeless.   


Except for the Greens, all members  of the Australian Federal  Parliament (Coalition, Independent and Labor) unforgivably opposed an immediate Ceasefire and  cessation of the active and passive killing  of Occupied Palestinians in Gaza, and thus made Australia complicit in this genocidal atrocity. Decent Australians who oppose the mass murder of civilians and children will  speak up and vote accordingly. Silence is complicity.



6 December 2023


I am an anti-racist Jewish Australian/Tasmanian scientist and humanitarian with a sole allegiance to Australia, author of huge books on genocide, and utterly appalled by the ongoing genocidal Gaza massacre by an Apartheid Israel that wants all the Land of Palestine (plus some) but not the Indigenous Palestinian inhabitants.


2.3 million  Palestinians in Gaza are being remorselessly herded by bombing and shelling  into an ever-diminishing tiny southern patch of  the formerly 400 square kilometer  Gaza Concentration Camp. The latest estimates are of  22,000 Palestinians  killed including  9,000 children (counting those buried in rubble), 40,000 injured and 2 million homeless in reprisals for the 7 October Hamas attack for 240 hostages to be exchanged for 5.6 million Palestinian hostages variously held by Apartheid Israel for up  to 56 years. Of the 1,200 Israelis killed most were past and present Israeli military and only 30 were children, with many killed in the massive Israeli tank and helicopter gunship response.


Yet Labor or Coalition Australia is unforgivably second only to the US as a diplomacy, intelligence, and arms supporter of genocidal Apartheid Israel, and faces global Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) as applied against Apartheid South Africa and all its supporters.



28 November 2023


The Letter against  “racism” and “antisemitism”, signed by over 100 Australian notables and published as an advertisement in major Australian newspapers, has significant flaws from my perspective as an anti-racist Jewish Australian/Tasmanian committed to “never again to anyone” including  Indigenous Palestinians.    


(1). While “Israel” and “Palestine” are not mentioned, context is provided by “Over the last seven weeks, a 482% rise in antisemitic incidents has swept Australia’s shores”. Not mentioned is that reports of Islamophobia have increased 4-fold since 7 October or the massive, false and anti-Arab anti-Semitic Mainstream media demonization of the Palestinians that recently led to a protesting Open Letter by ethical Australian journalists.

(2). No Palestinian, Arab or Muslim signatories are apparent but  Jewish and Anglo-Celtic names predominate.

(3). Repugnant anti-Semitism includes anti-Jewish anti-Semitism  (mostly against ethnically non-Semitic Ashkenazi Jews like me) and anti-Arab anti-Semitism (ignored in the Letter) directed  at ethnically Semitic Palestinians and Arabs and against 2 billion mainly culturally Semitic  Muslims.

(4). War is the penultimate in racism and genocide (such as the ongoing Palestinian Genocide) the ultimate. Yet with the exception of the decent Greens, all Australian Federal MPs (Koalition, Independent   and Labor or KILs) unforgivably opposed a permanent Ceasefire in Gaza.



25 November 2023


As a holocaust-impacted, anti-racist Jewish Australian humanitarian I am inescapably bound by the key messages of the WW2 Jewish Holocaust of “never again to anyone”, “bear witness”  and “zero tolerance for lying and racism”.  I applaud the ethical Australian journalists for their Open Letter protesting outrageous Mainstream media bias in reporting on Palestine and demanding  provision of truthful historical context  in reporting  the  latest horrendous and war criminal Israeli massacre of Palestinians in Gaza.


I recently published a very detailed and  documented analysis of 35 outrageous Lies shockingly perpetrated and  perpetuated by Apartheid Israel, Zionists  and pro-Zionist Western Mainstream media and politicians *. The World has 2 kinds of people, those opposing the mass murder of innocents and the others. Decent Australians will reject the Coalition, Labor and Independent “others”  unforgivably opposing immediate permanent Ceasefire and immediate cessation of the killing, the Occupation and the century-long Palestinian Genocide.  


The core ethos of Humanity is (a) Kindness and (b) Truth. However this is grossly violated by Apartheid Israel that per capita based on the  population of the Occupied Palestinian Territory leads the World in (a) the killing of children and (b) the killing of journalists.


*Gideon Polya, “Gaza Massacre: 35 Ways Zionist-perverted US, Australia & West Lie For Child-killing, Neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel”, Countercurrents, 23 November 2023:  [Published by the Tasmanian Times].



22 November 2023


It is reported that Dutton and Albanese will join senior Jewish and political leaders at the Melbourne Holocaust Museum in solidarity against asserted verbal anti-Jewish anti-Semitism arising from the violence in Gaza.  Off the anti-Semitism agenda will be (a) the ongoing Israeli mass murder of Semitic Occupied Palestinians from 7 October (an estimated over 20,000 killed so far including  8,000 children), (b) the extremely damaging Zionist defamation of anti-racist Jews such as myself for protesting the appalling crimes of Apartheid Israel, and (c) the trashing of asserted  Australian  “values” and Australia’s international reputation  by bipartisan support for Apartheid Israel’s ongoing Occupation and genocide of the Semitic  Occupied Palestinians.


The World has  2 kinds  of people, those opposing the  killing of children, and the others. In the overwhelmingly pro-Apartheid Israel and hence pro-Apartheid Australian Federal  Parliament the “others” include the Coalition, Labor and Independent  MPs who all unforgivably voted against the Australian Greens demand for an immediate Ceasefire and cessation of the mass murder of  Palestinian children. Decent anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish Australians are unquenchably angered and will do everything they can to ensure that the unforgivable “others” are removed from public office and public life in future  elections.



18 November 2023


Anti-Semitism is repugnant because its victims have no say in by whom they were conceived and raised. Anti-Semitism comes in 2 forms, anti-Jewish anti-Semitism against 18 million  mostly culturally Semitic Jews, and anti-Arab anti-Semitism  against 300 million ethnically Semitic Arabs (including the 15 million Palestinians) and 2,000 million mostly culturally Semitic Muslims.


In response to  the continuing genocidal massacre of Palestinians in Gaza,  Australian Zionists and all the Coalition, Labor and Independent MPs have opposed a Ceasefire and cessation of the ghastly killing and maiming.  Instead the Zionists and pro-Zionists  have hysterically  weaponized asserted ”anti-Semitism” against Jewish Australians, notably and paradoxically after a Palestinian-owned food outlet in significantly Jewish Caulfield, Melbourne, was fire-bombed.


The latest annual ECAJ Report on Antisemitism in Australia  (covering 1 October 2021- 30 September 2022) records 5 fisticuff assaults with 1 resulting  in hospital attendance.  In the war criminal collective punishment of this latest Gaza Massacre about 14,000 Palestinians have been killed including  3,000 buried alive, 27,000 injured, 6,000 children killed, 1.5 million homeless,  and 2.3 million facing death from disease, starvation and dehydration. Of the 1,200 Israelis killed on 7 October (many reportedly by the responding  IDF) 1,000 were serving military and 30 were children.



17 November 2023


With Lib-Lab and Independent  politicians weaponizing “anti-semitism” in support of Apartheid Israel’s genocidal mass murder of children in the  Gaza Concentration Camp, spare a thought for holocaust-impacted anti-racist Jews such as myself unequivocally  opposed (like the Greens) to this ongoing atrocity (presently over 6,000 Palestinian children killed in response to 30 Israeli children killed on 7 October with many if not all  of the Israeli children killed by the responding IDF).


Any anti-racist Jew  standing up for Palestinian human rights is falsely defamed by Zionists as an “anti-semitic Jew” or a “self-hating Jew”, and Googling these terms  yields about 7,000 and 57,000 results, respectively. Googling “anti-racist Jew” yields about 1,000 results. Fortunately the World also has a conscience, and  Googling “ceasefire now ” yields over  3 million results.


This hugely damaging and utterly false defamation of anti-racist Jews – the very best of Jews – is real anti-Jewish anti-Semitism in Australia that is resolutely ignored by Mainstream journalists and by Lib-Lab and Independent politicians. Of course this is dwarfed by the similarly  ignored, Zionist-promoted, and horrendously deadly US Alliance anti-Arab anti-Semitism that has killed over 30 million Muslims through violence and imposed deprivation since 9/11.  Silence is complicity.



15 November 2023


I was indignant as a patriotic Jewish Australian child in the 1950s when my most revered  family mentor, a Jewish refugee from Nazism, said that it could happen in Australia. It has. After nearly 6 weeks of Israeli bombing in which over 6,000 Palestinian children in Gaza have been killed (including  those buried in rubble) the Coalition Opposition and Australian Labor Government (the Lib-Labs) unforgivably oppose a Ceasefire to stop the killing, and support continuing provision of arms, intelligence and diplomatic support to serial war criminal and genocidally racist Apartheid Israel.


The World contains 2 kinds of people, those opposed to killing innocents and the others. The Lib-Labs ignore the humane, not-in-our name views of anti-racist  Jewish and non-Jewish Australians with a sole allegiance to Australia, and instead parrot the falsehoods of traitorous  and genocidally racist Zionists, making  Australia second only to the US as a supporter of Apartheid Israel.  


Those  supporting Apartheid Israel and hence the evil crime of Apartheid are unfit for public life and public office in a one-person-one-vote democracy like Australia. Those supporting the utterly unforgivable, anti-Arab anti-Semitic and anti-Jewish anti-Semitic Lib-Labs are complicit in genocidal racism, Apartheid and the mass murder of children.  



13 November 2023


Al Jazeera has reported (7/11) that in terms of “children killed per day” this in Gaza (136) exceeds by far that in other conflict zones such as Syria (3), Afghanistan (2), Yemen (1.5), Ukraine (0.7) and Iraq (0.6). These rates of violent child killing do not include avoidable child deaths from war-imposed deprivation.

Using the latest 10/11 data from the UN OCHA, children killed in Gaza  = 4,506 killed +1,500 under rubble = 6,006 killed over 35 days or 172  children killed per day in Gaza by US Alliance- and Australia-backed Apartheid Israel.


In contrast Israeli children killed in the so-called “Hamas massacre” of 7 October  = 32 children killed over 2 days (UN OCHA) = 16 per day (noting that many of these children may have been killed in the deadly Israeli military response within Israel that has been ignored by Mainstream media but uniquely addressed by Pulitzer Prize-winning US journalist  Chris Hedges and award-winning, Israel-based UK journalist Jonathan Cook).


Decent, anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish Australians simply cannot ever again vote for the US lackey Labor and Coalition that support the Occupier Israeli mass murder of Occupied Palestinian children as “self defence”. Never again to anyone!



5 November 2023


In 30 years of scholarly writing about deaths due to war, occupation and inequity  (8 huge books, hundreds of carefully researched and referenced humanitarian essays) my endless mantra has been “Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity”. Killing is wrong period, and violence begets more violence. The ongoing carnage in Palestine illustrates this.


Occupied Palestinian  fighters had the legal  right to attack the war criminal Occupiers on 7 October (but  this century the Occupied Palestinian/ Israeli Occupier reprisals death ratio has been 20.8 with this predicting 29,000 Palestinian deaths – mostly  women and children - in the present Gaza Massacre; 1,500 Palestinian fighters were killed; and 1,400 Israelis were killed, with 84.2% of the Israeli dead being current regular, conscript and reserve soldiers,  2.5% children, and 13.3% 40-plus and mostly former soldiers).


The Australian Labor Government with 58 other US lackey governments disgracefully and unforgivably opposed  the UNGA Ceasefire Resolution that was supported by 120 decent countries, and with the Western Mainstream media falsely backs the supposed “right to defend itself” of the illegal and genocidal Occupier, Apartheid Israel. The world has 2 kinds of people, those opposing the deliberate killing of innocents, and the others.



1 November 2023


As a Jewish Holocaust-impacted, anti-racist, Jewish Australian humanitarian with a sole allegiance to Australia, I strongly object to the Zionist-crafted statement cravenly signed by 6 former Australian PMs that did not condemn the horrendous mass murder of Occupied Palestinians in Gaza by Apartheid Israel nor call for a cessation of the killing, but instead (a) called for release of 230 Israeli hostages but not of 10,000 Palestinian political prisoners, (b) ignored the millions of Occupied Palestinians highly abusively and illegally held hostage by Apartheid Israel for 56 years (without human rights and now totalling 5.6 million), (c) falsely conflated Apartheid Israel and its violent actions with all Jews (egregious anti-Jewish anti-Semitism), (d) hysterically supported Israel in its latest Gaza Massacre (egregious anti-Arab anti-Semitism), and (e) vilified the Indigenous Palestinians while inadvertently acknowledging the horrendous extent of genocidal Israeli violence: “They also sought to provoke Israel into a reaction that would kill countless innocent civilians in Gaza”. The genocidally racist Zionists from Herzl to Netanyahu have explicitly declared that they want the land of Palestine but not its Indigenous Palestinian inhabitants who, despite a century-long  Palestinian Genocide, presently represent 51% of the Subjects of Apartheid Israel. *


* "Zionist quotes re racism and Palestinian Genocide": .



31 October 2023


In response to the 1,400 Israeli deaths (an estimated 35 being children) from the 7 October Palestinian breakout from Gaza (1,500 Palestinian fighters killed), Israel has utterly  devastated Gaza, with 10,000 Palestinians killed so far including 3,000 children killed and maybe a further 1,000 buried in rubble. With a near-total effective Israeli ban  on water, food, medicine, electricity and fuel,  the 2.3 million people of Gaza (half of them now homeless) are facing an existential  catastrophe.


It is now reported from Israel that an Israeli Intelligence Ministry report favours complete ethnic cleansing of Gaza by mass population transfer to the Sinai desert. * This is genocide as defined by Article 2 of the UN Genocide Convention, and would represent the third mass Palestinian  population expulsion event (2.3 million expelled) since the 1948 Nakba (0.8 million expelled) and the 1967 Naksa (0.4 million Arabs expelled).


With Australia fervently supporting Israel and abstaining from the UNGA resolution for an immediate cessation of the killing, Australians need to be properly  informed about what the utterly disgraceful Albanese  Labor Government is supporting. They must  listen to the Greens and anti-racist  Jewish and non-Jewish  humanitarians advocating for peace and Palestinian human rights.

*Yuval Abraham, “Expel all Palestinians from Gaza, recommends Israeli gov’t ministry”, +972 Magazine, 30 October 2023: .

Gideon Polya, “Horrendous Death Ratios, Child Deaths & Palestinian Genocide Demand Immediate Cessation Of Gaza Massacre”, Countercurrents, 30 October 2023: .


28 October 2023

The progressive Israeli newspaper Haaretz has published images and other details of 902 so far of the 1,400 Israeli residents killed in the incursion into Israel of Palestinian fighters in the recent shocking violence. Of these, 14 were Thai workers and 10 Nepali students, leaving a total of 878 killed Israelis in this initial data release.*


Careful analysis of the photographs and the age data provided  enables one to estimate  that of the 1,400 dead, 97.5% (1,365) were adults, 84.2% (1,179) were 18-39 (i.e. were Israeli military or reservists), and 15.8% (221) were under 18 or 40 and older, this including  2.5% (22) who were aged under 18. 1,500 Palestinian fighters were killed in Israel during the break-out from the Gaza Concentration Camp.


In stark contrast, of the 2.3 million Palestinians in Gaza,  99.36 % (2,283,000) were non-combatants,  0.74% (17,000) were  combatants, and 7,000 have been killed by bombing in Gaza. The Occupied/Occupier combatant reprisals Death Ratio is (7,000 + 1,500) /1,179 = 7.2, similar to the reprisals Death Ratio of 10  ordered by Nazi leader Adolph Hitler in 1944. Deaths are set to escalate appallingly with mass death from deprivation in besieged Gaza. The killing must stop immediately.


*“Israel's Dead: The Names of Those Killed in Hamas Attacks, Massacres and the Israel-Hamas War”, Haaretz, 19 October 2023: .



26 October 2023


At the National Press Club (25/10) the Israeli Ambassador to Australia obscenely declared: “You do not measure ... the adherence of a nation to the international law by the toll of casualties on the other side”. Holocaust-impacted people such as myself and other decent folk would think otherwise.


As of 25 October 2023 the Occupied Palestinian /Occupier Israeli reprisals Death Ratio = (6,000 killed in Gaza  + 1,500 fighters killed in Israel )/1,400 Israelis killed  = 5.4 as compared to the Occupied/Occupier reprisals Death Ratio of 10 ordered by Hitler and carried out in the 1944 Ardeatine Massacre. The average Gaza conflict Death Ratio in last 15 years  has been 20.8, this predicting 20.8 x 1,400 = 29,000 Palestinian deaths in the present Gaza Massacre. World: stop the killing.  


13 October 2023

Re the latest ME atrocities and the looming genocide of Palestinians in Gaza, the Federal Labor  Government  is fervently pro-Israel and is taking appallingly bad advice from fanatical Zionists with a fervent attachment to Apartheid Israel - it should instead be taking advice from  eminent anti-racist Jewish Australians with a sole allegiance to Australia and concerned for peace, Palestinian and Israeli lives, and Palestinian human rights. Ditto the fervently pro-Israel Biden Administration that is 30% Jewish Zionist  and 70% Christian Zionist.

Thus the anti-racist  Jewish American organization Jewish Voices for Peace (JVP): “The Israeli government has declared a genocidal war on the people of Gaza. As an organization that works for a future where Palestinians and Israelis and all people live in equality and freedom, we call on all people of conscience to stop imminent genocide of Palestinians… There is no justification in international law for the indiscriminate killing of civilians or the holding of civilian hostages. And now, horrifyingly, the Israeli and American governments are weaponizing these deaths to fuel a genocidal war against Palestinians in Gaza”. *

*Jewish Voices for Peace, “Jewish Voice for Peace calls on all people of conscience to stop imminent genocide”, 11 October 2023: ).


11 October 2023

Peace is the only way, nobody should be killed, all human life is sacred, and terrorism is as terrorism does whether it is the hugely disproportionate violence of Israeli state terrorism over 75 years or the awful non-state terrorism this week by despairing inmates of the blockaded Gaza Concentration Camp.


On  Day 5 of the latest violent episode the Occupied/Occupier death ratio within Israel is 1,500 Palestinian fighters killed / 1,000 Israeli deaths = 1.5, and the Occupied/Occupier death ratio overall is presently (700 + 1,500) / 1,000 = 2.2. However worse is threatened: the 2008-31 August 2023 Occupied / Occupier death ratio was 6,407/307 = 20.9, over 2 times greater than the ratio of 10 ordered by Hitler for reprisals against indigenous Partisans in 1944.


Occupied Palestinians have been brutally confined to Gaza without human rights and in dire poverty for 56 years. Of 2.2 million Gazans 70% are women and children. The Israeli Defence Force (IDF) is destroying Gaza, denying besieged Gazans food and water (an immense  war crime), and adumbrating genocide by repeatedly telling Gaza civilians to leave with the presently closed Egyptian border the only conceivable exit.


8 October 2023

The heroic armed Ukrainian response to the war criminal invasion and 10-year partial Occupation of their land by nuclear-armed Russia has been  associated with an appalling human cost, and  so will be the  present Palestinian rebellion against 75 years of war criminal genocide and Occupation by nuclear-armed Apartheid Israel which in recent decades has in practice followed Hitler’s 1944 reprisals order for an Occupied/Occupier death ratio of 10. Many more scores of thousands will die.

The Preamble of the Universal Declaration of Human Rjghts (UDHR) admits the reality of eventual  “recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression”, but as exampled by Ukraine, Palestine and many other countries subject to war criminal foreign Occupation the human cost is horrendous.

Mark Twain said: “Truth hurts, but silence kills”. My endless Gandhian mantra is “Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity”. Backed by Sanctions against the war criminal Occupiers, the World must demand immediate cease-fire, real negotiations, and rapid justice for both devastated Ukraine and devastated Palestine.

(B). Before 7 October  2023 i.e. before the Palestinian Breakout from the Gaza Concentration Camp.