KEEFER, Michael: "We’re coming to expect, on the part of the people who construct these news stories and tell us how to interpret them, an increasingly slender respect for such archaic notions as truth, rudimentary ethics, and intellectual integrity"
Michael Keefer (Professor of English at the University of Guelph, and a Contributing Editor to the Centre for Research on Globalization) (2006): “Most of us, I would guess, are well aware of the constructed nature of the news and news commentaries fed to us daily by the corporate or “mainstream” media. We’re not surprised to find, in those cases where we have managed to obtain independent knowledge of a subject, that mainstream news stories are often only tenuously connected to what appears to have been the actual series of events. And we’re coming to expect, on the part of the people who construct these news stories and tell us how to interpret them, an increasingly slender respect for such archaic notions as truth, rudimentary ethics, and intellectual integrity… One of these is the story that George W. Bush actually won the 2004 presidential election, and hence has some right to the office he continues to occupy.3 The other is the no less fraudulent story that the terrorist crimes of September 11, 2001 were perpetrated by a gang of Islamist fanatics led by a bearded Saudi in an Afghan cave—rather than being organized (and subsequently covered up) by civilian and military officials at the highest levels of the Bush regime… Here are just a few of the critical studies [re 9-11]… :
Michel Chossudovsky, ‘War and Globalisation: The Truth Behind September 11’ (2002).
John McMurtry, ‘Value Wars: The Global Market Versus the Life Economy’ (2002).
Eric Hufschmid, ‘Painful Questions: An Analysis of the September 11th Attack’ (2002).
Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed, ‘The War on Freedom: How and Why America was Attacked, September 11, 2001’ (2002).
——, ‘Behind the War on Terror: Western Secret Strategy and the Struggle for Iraq’ (2003).
David Ray Griffin, ‘The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11’ (2004).
Michael C. Ruppert, ‘Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil’ (2004)” (Michael Keefer, “Media disinformation on 9-11: anatomy of a hatchet job: CBC Radio’s “The Current” and Scholars for 9/11 Truth”, Global Research, 29 August 2006: .