14 March 2012 - Infinitely Around

Post date: Mar 14, 2012 11:24:30 PM

From Wikipedia:

π is an irrational number, which means that its value cannot be expressed exactly as a fraction having integers in both the numerator and denominator (unlike 22/7). Consequently, its decimal representation never ends and never repeats. π is also a transcendental number, which implies, among other things, it can not be calculated from a finite sequence of algebraic operations on integers.

The circumference of a circle is equal the diameter multiplied by Pi, π.

Assume the diameter of any circle you see is 1; one inch, one meter, one hand, one arbitrary unit of measure that you like. π is an infinite number with a value less than 3.14160 and greater than 3.14159. 1 multiplied by π is π. The circumference of that circle is infinitely long, but less than 3.14160.

Circles are every where in daily life. Round plates, wheels, blood vessels, and atoms in their orbits. If π is involved in measuring so many aspects of the world around us, then we realize the world is entirely fuzzy. There are no absolute measurements. No matter how accurately a diameter is measured, it can always be called 1 of what it is. 1 multiplied by π is π.

Every time the hands of a clock go around they travel π, an infinite distance less than 3.14160.

Every time an electron goes around a nucleus it travels π, an infinite distance less than 3.14160.

Every time this idea goes infinitely around your mind...