
Most of what we do in yoga class is pretty easy to follow along and adapt to your fitness level. The most challenging thing for new students seems to be choosing the sun salutation variations that are best for them. Since most of us are visual learners, I created the handouts below to help students see their options. "Vinyasa" simply means "flow series" in Sanskrit. In class, I use that term to describe the specific flow series from plank to cobra to downward-facing dog to mountain pose.

There are many, many options for how a student can flow between these postures. Some common ways are visually represented in the file "The Vinyasa". The file "Warrior Sun" provides options for the main sun salutation we practice in class. "Warm Up Series" provides a great way to prepare the legs for "Warrior Sun".

Enjoy and please let me know if you have any questions or comments on these files. Thank you!