Breaking News

We publish Breaking News when we receive news too late for one edition that can't wait till the next edition. 

Full details in our Breaking News Policy

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Affordable Rented Property Available in Longhorsley

Karbon Homes have a 1 bed bungalow available to rent in Longhorsley.

Details are available on the Homefinder website.

Applicants who have registered with Homefinder and are eligible for this type of property have until 23:59 Monday May 27th to place a bid.

"Suitable for those eligible for 1 bedroom properties. Property will be let in line with the Karbon Allocation Policy. Property offer will be subject to an affordability assessment. First preference will be given to those aged 55+."

The Parish Council's Affordable Housing Information document provides information for those people trying to understand if they may qualify for affordable housing, how to register and how to bid for an affordable home.

Added May 23rd Back to top

Northumbrian Hedgehog Rescue 

A request for more newspapers please!

Many thanks to those who donated newspapers before!

Please can we have any newspapers that you no longer want!

At the Hedgehog Rescue Centre in Longframlington we use shredded newspaper as bedding for the injured, sick and very small hedgehogs that are brought in to us.

At this time of the year the hedgehogs require more bedding to keep warm and we are running short of newspapers again!

If you or anyone you know has newspapers (no magazines please!) 

please leave them in the porch in a plastic bag at: 5, Church View 

or text me on 0772 4091586 and I will come and collect them.

With very many thanks,

Jan Bryce

Post Office - No Longer Open on Tuesdays

Due to falling demand, the outreach service has taken the decision to reduce the opening hours to Mondays and Fridays only. The opening times for those days stay the same as they are now:

Added June 6th  Back to top

Garden waste collection day

The collection day for the garden waste (brown) bin has changed for this year. For Longhorsley it is now generally on the Wednesday, the day before the normal rubbish bin is collected. 

When there is a bank holiday you should check on the  Northumberland County Council website, as collection days might change.

The next Longhorsley collection dates for the garden waste bin are Wednesday 29th March and Thursday 13th April (due to the Easter holiday).

Added March 23rd  Back to top

Breaking News Archive

Some other Breaking News items have been moved to the Breaking News Archive webpage.

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