Churches July/August 2024

St Helen's Church

Sunday Service:

10am  Holy Communion 

           (1st and 3rd Sundays)

10am  Morning Prayer 

           (2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays)

Everyone is welcome.

PCC Meeting 

The next meeting of the PCC is on Wednesday 17th July at 7.00pm with a parishioner slot at 7.30pm.

St Helen's Contact Details

During the Interregnum the Area Dean will be responsible for the Parish.

Rev. Chris Groocock  01670 813358

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Brinkburn Partnership of Catholic Parishes

St Thomas Catholic Church

Every Monday and Thursday - Mass at 12noon 

Every Sunday - Mass at 11.15am


Thought for the Month: not provided this month

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Mission Free Church

Sunday Services:

11am Family Service and creche

5.30pm Prayer in the Mission Hall

6pm Evening Worship / Bible Study

For our other group meetings, please see the Group Activities sections.

Visitors are always very welcome to all our events.

Longhorsley Mission Bible Convention, 6th and 7th July 2024

Held in Memorial Hall, Longframlington

Speakers: Keith Berry (Hammersmith) and Philip Eveson (Wrexham).

Saturday 6th July at 3.30pm and 6pm

Sunday 7th July at 11am, 3.30pm and 6pm

Tea provided each day after the afternoon meetings. 

All are welcome.

Contact Ian Pagan 788263


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