Articles November 2023

Longhorsley Fungi Hunting

With Autumn in full swing, fungi are really everywhere at the moment. In September the North East Fungi Study Group (NEFSG) visited Longhorsley Moor for a survey of the woodland and moorland habitat there. Despite it being pretty dry we recorded over 70 species of fungi across the day including the iconic fly agaric and a type of fungus that brainwashes craneflies! 

Other fantastically named species included Witches Butter, Snakestongue Truffleclub, Candlesnuff fungus and Dryad’s Saddle.

Fungi are generally associated with trees, either living or dead, so woodlands are a great place to go exploring for them. Some tree species, such as birch, beech, pine and spruce can be more productive so if you find yourself in these types of woodland, keep your eyes peeled! It’s not just woodlands however - some of our most beautiful mushrooms, such as the pink ballerina waxcap, can be found in grasslands. Good luck fungi hunting! 

Richard Thompson

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Longhorsley Village Gathering - Volunteers Wanted

The Longhorsley Village Hall Committee are planning our inaugural Longhorsley Village Gathering for the Summer of 2024, and would like a team of volunteers to help plan and deliver the event. Please could anyone interested, contact Paul Mooney on  07585 400817.

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Longhorsley Parish Council

The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Wednesday, 8th November, in the Village Hall, starting at 7pm, with a parishioner slot at 8pm. Meeting notices are displayed on village notice boards, with minutes and other information found on the Parish Council website.

Contact details for the current members are detailed below:

Clerk: Gillian Turner, 4 Lowther Close, Seaton Manor, Ashington, NE63 0HY  01670 812704 or

Chairman: Norman Douglas 07485 174529

Councillors: Sarah Alcock, Kirsty Bell, Peter Boyle, Jennie Parker, Anne Peat and Trevor Potts.

Conclusion of External Audit 2022/23

The signed-off annual audit documents have now been received back from our External Auditors, MAZARs LLP and were presented to Council at the meeting held on 11th October. No concerns were raised and there were no matters arising from the audit review to bring to the Council’s attention.

New Recycled Plastic Bench

Some of you may have noticed that the old wooden public bench next to the Village shop has been replaced with a new recycled plastic bench.  The new bench needs little maintenance compared to the wooden benches. By switching to recycled plastic furniture, we have been notified that we have saved some 3,934 milk containers from landfill and our oceans.

Speeding through the Village

We are aware of concerns many residents have of speeding vehicles passing through the Village on the busy A697. Recently, NCC placed speed survey strips to monitor the situation. However, we believe that the strips were placed in an unsatisfactory location, before the speed camera and the double bend at the Shoulder of Mutton, where drivers naturally slow down. We have asked that the survey is repeated, using alternative locations, where we believe drivers speed up when still in the 30mph zone – watch this space…

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Your County Councillor

By the time you read this I expect we will have relaid part of the pavement on the West Road near the Church. We will also have relaid the traffic and speed monitor near the Church View junction to check speeds at that part of the A697, and I have also asked that we carry out a follow up check on the East and West Roads.

I'm getting complaints again about the unreliability of the service so I'm trying to find someone in the Post Office nationally to speak to. This reminds me of the battles we had years ago to get a service.

Please let me know if you need more details on these or anything else and I will be happy to try to help.

Glen Sanderson  07730 979737

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Great Oak Adventures

We have just set up in your area, and we run two toddler groups: 

These sessions are great for getting your little ones outside and having fun. Sessions are £5 per child for 1-5 year olds. 

We are also running a holiday club during half term for 5-12 year olds. More info on our website

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X14 Bus Times

From 29th October, there will be additional services during the day (making it an hourly service) and a few time changes - shown in red below.

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Longhorsley Takeaway Food

We will send out a Breaking News if we are notified of any changes.

The Shoulder of Mutton

The Shoulder of Mutton is open and offering takeaways every day.

Sunday lunches 12-6pm ~ Monday to Saturday 5pm-8pm

See their menu at ~ phone 788236 to order

The Flying Fryer

The Flying Fryer will be here every Friday from 4pm to 7pm, depending on demand.

Facebook The Flying Fryer 07984 426 725


Dou_h&co are here the first Thursday in the month from 4:30pm – 7:30pm.

The next visit date is 2nd November.

Pre-order on  07507 834 628 from Monday 9am.

See their menu on the Dou_h & Co Facebook page, Instagram and

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Post Office in Longhorsley Village Hall

Monday 9.15am   to 12.15pm

Tuesday CLOSED

Friday 11.30am to 1.30pm

Please note that this Outreach Service cannot accept large parcels.

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Mobile Library Visiting Times

The Mobile Library visits Longhorsley once a month, on Fridays between 3pm and 4pm, in the Village Hall car park.

The next visits will be on 17th November and 15th December.

The Mobile Library Service website can be found here

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December/January Edition

The last date for submissions is 20th November. You can email or phone us.

Please keep articles under 250 words, if at all possible.

Jan and Sheena Haveman 07834 740649

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