Articles October 2023

Brinkburn & Hesleyhurst Climate Change & Biodiversity Committee

This committee of the Brinkburn & Hesleyhurst Parish Council (BHPC) is made up of 3 Parish Councillors and residents. 

The Government has asked local Councils to produce action plans to reduce our carbon footprint leading up to 2030. BHPC has accepted the challenge on behalf of, and we hope with the help of, our residents. After a letter was sent throughout the Parish asking people to join, the Climate Change and Biodiversity Committee was formed.

We have formed a 5-year plan for biodiversity, ecology, and carbon sequestration. Some of the projects are starting now and include hedge laying, litter picking, making and siting of 50 bird nest boxes for various declining species, meadow seeding of council owned land, geo mapping and surveying land (with land owners permission), river monitoring and data collection from the Coquet and streams. For these projects to be successful we need volunteers to be actively engaged with us.

There are several grants from organisations available for these types of projects. In particular we are very grateful to the Wingates Windfarm Community Fund (WWCF) for its generous donations.

Over the next year we are undertaking a habitat survey of the Parish. This will be a community resource for future reference to provide baseline data of the habitats we currently have and what condition they are in. We will also be collecting data on the species that are using the habitats. This will help target future habitat creation or enhancement projects that are undertaken and give a broader look at potential climate change issues.

We would like this to be a whole community project and encourage you to participate. Over the winter we will do a ‘desk-top’ study, and in spring we will start the field work. As our work progresses, we will update you on how you can take part. You can contact us through the BHPC Parish Clerk Garth Rhodes  01665 570347

Jamie Whicker, Chair

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Longhorsley Parish Council

The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Wednesday, 11th October, in the Village Hall, starting at 7pm, with a parishioner slot at 8pm. Meeting notices are displayed on village notice boards, with minutes and other information found on the Parish Council website.

Contact details for the current members are detailed below:

Clerk: Gillian Turner, 4 Lowther Close, Seaton Manor, Ashington, NE63 0HY  01670 812704 or

Chairman: Norman Douglas 07485 174529

Councillors: Sarah Alcock, Kirsty Bell, Peter Boyle, Jennie Parker, Anne Peat and Trevor Potts.

FixMyStreet – Northumberland County Council

Residents can use FixMyStreet to report, view or discuss local problems, such as graffiti, fly tipping, street lighting, potholes, dog fouling, footpaths, flooding and overhanging trees/hedgerows and any other NCC service. You can now see if a particular problem has been reported already, and you will receive feedback from NCC on any actions taken. The address of the reporting system is:

Dog Fouling in and around the Village

If your dog fouls in a public area it is your responsibility to ensure the mess is picked up and properly disposed of. Dog Fouling is one of the top anti-social problems nationwide. Dog mess is unsightly, unpleasant and can spread disease, or in extreme cases, cause blindness.  

Here are some tips on how to avoid a fine and more importantly how not to annoy other residents and amenity users:

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Your County Councillor

The results of the speed and traffic survey have been sent to me - you remember I asked for the North and South Road to be surveyed and to run this during the school holidays when traffic levels are higher.

Unfortunately officers tell me that none are high enough to ask Northumbria Police to take action. I have asked for the West and East Road to be programmed in also for a survey, and I will share those results when they are done.

I have asked road safety officers what more I might do in the village and have requested an update on the speed camera. If anyone can suggest anything else please drop me a line and I will do my level best to help. As usual, please let me know if I can help with anything.

Glen Sanderson  07730 979737

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A1 Dualling Decision Delayed Again

There has been a fourth delay in the government’s decision about the scheme to upgrade the A1 between Morpeth and Ellingham. Funding for the project was approved in 2015, and after initial planning work a decision by the Secretary of State for Transport was expected in January 2022.

January 2022 - decision delayed by 5 months

June 2022 - decision delayed by 6 months

September 2022 - project fast tracked

December 2022 - decision delayed by 9 months

September 2023 - decision delayed by 9 months

The latest delay will bring the deadline for a decision up to June 2024.

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Longhorsley Takeaway Food

We will send out a Breaking News if we are notified of any changes.

The Shoulder of Mutton

The Shoulder of Mutton is open and offering takeaways every day.

Sunday lunches 12-6pm ~ Monday to Saturday 5pm-8pm

See their menu at ~ phone 788236 to order

The Flying Fryer

The Flying Fryer will be here every Friday from 4pm to 7pm, depending on demand.

Facebook The Flying Fryer 07984 426 725


Dou_h&co are here the first Thursday in the month from 4:30pm – 7:30pm.

The next visit date is 5th October.

Pre-order on  07507 834 628 from Monday 9am.

See their menu on the Dou_h & Co Facebook page, Instagram and

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Post Office in Longhorsley Village Hall

Monday 9.15am   to 12.15pm

Tuesday CLOSED

Friday 11.30am to 1.30pm

Please note that this Outreach Service cannot accept large parcels.

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Mobile Library Visiting Times

The Mobile Library visits Longhorsley once a month, on Fridays between 3pm and 4pm, in the Village Hall car park.

The next visits will be on 20th October and 17th November.

The Mobile Library Service website can be found here

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November Edition

The last date for submissions is 20th October. You can email or phone us.

Please keep articles under 250 words, if at all possible.

Jan and Sheena Haveman 07834 740649

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