Churches November 2022

St Helen's Church

Sunday Service:

10am Holy Communion

St. Helen’s Church is now open for worship again. Everyone is welcome.

Special Service

Remembrance Service - Sunday 13th November - 10am.

Holy Communion followed by Act of Remembrance at 10.45am for 11am at the flagpole on the Village Green.

If you would prefer to come only to the Act of Remembrance at 11am then you are welcome to join us.

Weekday Services and Events

Wednesday 2nd November 10am - Holy Communion which will be followed by coffee.

Wednesday 16th November. You are invited to ‘pop in’ for coffee and chat from 10am till 11am.

PCC and Sub-Committee Meetings

All meetings to be held in St. Helen’s Meeting Room.

PCC Meeting

The next meeting of the PCC is 13th December at 6.30pm.

St Helen's Contact Details

Vicar: Audrey McCartan 708806


Wardens: David Pringle 788283 (Treasurer)

Stephen Gibson 788711 (Secretary)

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Brinkburn Partnership of Catholic Parishes

St Thomas Catholic Church

Every Monday and Thursday - Mass at 12noon

Every Sunday - Mass at 11.15am

Contact Fr Shaun Purdy 01670 812200


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Mission Free Church

Sunday Services:

11am Family Service and creche

5.30pm Prayer in the Mission Hall

6pm Evening Worship / Bible Study

For our other group meetings, please see the Group Activities sections.

Visitors are always very welcome to all our events.

Contact Ian Pagan 788263


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Thought for the Month - That Old Chestnut? Think again

Old chestnut: An old story that has become stale and uninteresting because of the frequency of its telling.

'But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us' Romans 5v8

It was early June, and the sun was warm; t-shirt weather at last. I looked up into the tree above and I don't know why I'd never noticed this before, but there were chestnuts.

Barely past spring, and those blowsy, Liberace-style candelabras of cream and pink blossom not long faded, I for one was not thinking about autumn; and definitely not winter, having just shaken off woolly jumpers and wellies; yet above my head amid the fresh green palmate leaves, on the old flower spikes, were tiny, prickly, pea-size fruits; yes, chestnuts in the making.

I wasn't ready to fast forward through summer to popping shiny brown conkers out of their fleshy casings under my feet, yet here I am in October kicking through the fallen fruits. While we looked forward to hot, lazy, summer days, nature was already preparing for autumn.

And we take it all for granted, we welcome the blossom and then never give it another thought until we're crunching through ripe horse chestnuts and fallen leaves. Just like God's goodness; we take it, but often don't give it another thought. We forget to look up. Yet He is always planning ahead, guiding us through each season of our lives, whether we notice and acknowledge Him or not.

Right from that first spring in Creation when man decided he didn't need God's wisdom and would find his own way, God was already planning to restore our relationship with Him. He provides everything we need to live whether we ask it or not, but through Jesus’ sacrificial death and resurrection He has prepared a way for us all to again experience the joy and peace of knowing Him personally.

While we are basking in the provision of his love He is faithfully caring for our future. And that is an old story worth hearing over and over.

And, as we are pulling out the winter clothes and facing the prospect of long, dark nights, remember, nature is already preparing for spring.

Lesley Smith, Longhorsley Mission

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