Devotional 9: Numbers 22 - 23

Numbers 22 - 23

When you think of the book of numbers what comes to your mind? Is it a list of laws or a list of names of people who begat another? What ever it is there is a lot more to Numbers than that. In chapter 22 - 23 we see an instance of when the fear of the Lord turned for the worst.

The kings of Moab and Midian feared God's people so much that they thought they could get a prophet to invoke God to curse His people. God had other plans for His people and had the prophet pronounce a blessing. These Kings were stubborn and played to Balaams pride to convince him to try to curse Gods people. He was caught in his sin but we can see God when so far to open the donkeys mouth to speak in order to prevent Balaam from cursing His people.

This week as we read in Numbers try not to get discouraged reading all the difficult names. Try to pay attention to these sections between the names and learn from the good and bad examples that God has given us through His word.