Devotional 7: Exodus 29-32

Exodus 29-32

How do you get ready to go to church? You wake up and then some have food and some skip; some have a shower and some don’t; some dress in comfortable clothes and some dress in formal ware; some get up hours before church and some only minutes before; some get many people ready for church and some only themselves. We all have our patterns about how we start the day and for most, Sunday is just another day, albeit with different expectations.

Imagine if you had to go through all that Aaron and his sons did to get ready to worship; imagine the amount of time and preparation and the thought that had to go into it – everything had to be just right and just the way God said. Otherwise, people would die.

Now imagine if you just put in a little bit extra in your preparations for Worship. If you considered what the bible class would be on and read the material beforehand. If you made sure to get a little bit extra rest so you were alert and sharp for Sunday. If you…and you fill in the blank.

Most times we forget that we are going to worship the Creator of the Universe, the being who holds are very lives in His hands. Most times we forget that the only reason we awoke this morning is because God allowed it. Most times we forget that Sunday is all about God and not about ourselves. Most times we forget that the songs, the giving, the sermon, the Lord’s Supper and our prayers are FOR God and not for us.

It is because all those things are true that God gives us passages like this. Moses recorded this section for many reasons but not the least of which is for us today to be reminded that Worship is FOR God and it is serious and it requires preparation and sacrifice on our part. So when you eyes start to gloss over because the passage seems boring, remember this lesson and be attentive to how you get ready to Worship Creator of all life.